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Natalie Verlinich, City of Santa Ana April 15, 2016 <br />First Street Apartments: Financial Gap Analysis Page 13 <br />The Developer is requesting $8.9 million in financial assistance from the City, which is <br />$105,000 higher than the financial gap identified in the KMA financial analysis. This less <br />than 2% differential can be considered inconsequential. As such, KMA concludes that <br />the Developer's request for $8.9 million in financial assistance is warranted by the <br />Project economics. <br />ADDITIONAL FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS <br />Tax Credit Consideration <br />Approximately 40% of the Project's funding is anticipated to be derived from the receipt <br />of competitively awarded 9% Tax Credits. While the Project is structured to achieve the <br />maximum available points in the competitive process, the Tax Credit Program is <br />consistently oversubscribed. As a result, TCAC created an allocation process that <br />distributes Tax Credits on a geographical basis, and applies a tie-breaker formula in each <br />region. The tie-breaker calculation is weighted heavily towards the amount of outside <br />financial assistance as a function of the project's development costs. <br />The Orange County region receives funding for one or two projects in each Tax Credit <br />allocation round. Historically, there have not been sufficient Tax Credit dollars to fund <br />all the projects submitted, and thus the tie-breaker formula comes into play. As <br />currently structured, the Project generates a tie-breaker score of 46%. This score falls <br />within the range of the tie-breaker scores that have received Tax Credit awards in the <br />Orange County region during recent Tax Credit allocation rounds. However, the tie- <br />breaker scores have been volatile in Orange County, so it uncertain what tie-breaker <br />score will win in any Tax Credit allocation round. <br />Developer Fee <br />UnderTCAC regulations, the proposed Project qualifies for a Developer Fee of up to $2.0 <br />million. However, it is important to note that only $1.4 million of the Developer Fee can <br />be included in the Project's eligible Tax Credit basis. In some cases, it would be <br />financially prudent to require the Developer to defer payment of $600,000 of the <br />Developer Fee, and to recoup those funds from the cash flow generated by the Project <br />over time. To test this concept, KMA prepared pro forma analyses for the Project with <br />and without the requirement that $600,000 of the Developer Fee be deferred. The <br />results of this comparative analysis indicate that given tiebreaker considerations <br />1604007:SA,TRB <br />19090.014.001 <br />80A-55 <br />