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With approval of the Building Official, BVNA can provide third -party plan reviews/inspections. BVNA shall be <br />solely responsible for the collection of any third -party fees. <br />Inspection Services <br />When notified by thejurisdiction, Bureau Veritas NorthAmerica, Inc. (BVNA) shall perform site inspection services <br />to verify substantial compliance with approved plans and jurisdiction adopted codes and regulations. Inspection <br />services will be provided in accordance with accepted standards of practice for governmental inspection and in <br />conformance with the policies, procedures, interpretations, and practices of the jurisdiction. <br />Inspection services may include the following elements: <br />Non-structural fire and life safety <br />Structural <br />Electrical, mechanical, & plumbing <br />Disabled access <br />Green building <br />Energy <br />Fire sprinkler and alarm <br />Fire code compliance <br />Inspection services can be provided on a full-time, part-time, or as -needed basis in accordance with the <br />requirements of the jurisdiction. Building Inspectors provided by Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. shall perform <br />the following services: <br />1. Become familiar with approved project plans and documents prior to inspection. <br />2. Conduct site inspection using safe work practices. <br />en ar as o non -comp lance. <br />4. Prepare correction notice and/or discuss non -complying items and solutions with jobsite superintendent. <br />5. For serious violations, notify Building Official and issue stop work notice in accordance with jurisdiction <br />policies and procedures. <br />6. Provide reinspections as necessary to address non -complying items. <br />7. Provide inspection records in accordance with jurisdiction policies and procedures. <br />S. When requested by the jurisdiction, coordinate inspections with fire, health, and other government <br />agencies, as applicable to the project. <br />Move Forward with Confidence <br />25F-33 <br />