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CA <br />J <br />JAS Pacific can provide the City with additional services that include permit Issuance, plan review, code adoption, <br />Our service procedures are thorough meeting all expectations Including great customer service and efficient <br />response times, without compromising quality. As part of JAS Pacific's over arching goal to attain customer <br />satisfaction, a tailored service delivery system is developed, service models are effective and efficient, and <br />procedures adapted to meet the City's requirements. We are confident that we can accommodate the City's financial <br />needs as well as provide the desired level of customer service. Additionally, because of our available resources, we <br />have the ability to alter the levels and types of service to address increased workloads and customer needs. <br />Personel Superior Level of Cstomer Service <br />Expertise <br />Staffing Resources <br />Contract Costs <br />Consistent Code Application <br />Flexibility to Meet Various Levels of Demand <br />Expenses are Consitentwith Revenues <br />1AS Pacific can provide the Jurisdiction with plan review services both off-site and on. Off-site services will be <br />provided in a timely manner and will be seamless, as our team members are accessible to promptly respond to all <br />inquiries. Upon contract award, JAS pacific will analyze the Jurisdiction's needs and propose the appropriate service <br />level striking a balance between desired services and cost efficiency. <br />Training <br />JAS Pacific is committed to the continuous education of all staff through both in-house and external training. Mr. <br />Fady Matter and Mr. Stuart Tom are ICC certified Instructors and have provided training to various clients on the <br />building and other codes and regulations: Mr. Mattar's area of Instruction Includes plumbing, mechanical, green <br />building, energy and residential fire -sprinkler systems topics. Mr. Stuart's area of instruction includes the California <br />Building and Residential Codes, emergency response, fire and other related topics. <br />Mr, Mattar has worked with various JAS clients and Industry related organizations providing instruction on a range <br />of topics. He was the Training Coordinator for the County of Los Angeles Building Dlvislon, creating the training <br />programs for entry-level inspectors, as well as on-going training for Inspectors, plan review staff, permit technicians <br />and district office managers, Mr. Mattar prepared and created training booklets and PowerPoint presentations for <br />training on the California Mechanical and Plumbing Codes, Green Building Code and Residential Fire Sprinklers then <br />conducted tralnings for ICC orange Empire, LA Basin, Foothill, Hi Desert, Coachella Valley, and Ventura Chapters of <br />ICC. He hasalso presented training on code update to jurisdictions including the Cities of Los Angeles, Long Beach, <br />25F-44 <br />