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2. The FLSA Comp Time Bank has a maximum accrual of one -hundred (100) <br />hours. An employee who has 100 hours in this bank will earn overtime paid <br />at time and one half the employee's regular rate of pay for overtime earned <br />in accordance with this MOU. An employee who works overtime and who <br />has less than 100 hours in his/her FLSA Comp Time Bank may be able to <br />accrue hours (at the rate of 1.5 hours for each hour of overtime worked) in <br />accordance with subdivision (B) above. The Comp time in this bank can be <br />cashed in accordance with the provisions detailed below. Each affected <br />employee who has accrued comp time credits in the FLSA Comp Time <br />Bank, may elect to convert up to twenty (20) hours of such accrued time <br />each calendar year quarter to the cash equivalent thereof, to a maximum of <br />eighty (80) hours per calendar year. <br />D. Use of Comp Time from the FLSA Comp Time Bank. <br />When an employee submits a request for time off using accrued <br />compensatory time, and that employee has found a qualified replacement, <br />the time off request will be granted. A qualified replacement means that the <br />replacement officer or employee is able to fulfill the requirements of the <br />position to which the requesting officer is assigned. <br />a. Compensatory time off requests made for consideration during the <br />monthly scheduling meetings will be treated as any other time off <br />and granted only on the basis of seniority. <br />b. Pursuant to the 3-12 Operating Rules, officers may trade work days <br />with other officers within the 28 -day deployment period. Any trades <br />must be approved by the affected Commanders and the Field <br />Operations Bureau Commander. <br />2. When an employee submits a request to take time off using accrued <br />compensatory time and the officer deployment is above minimmn staffing <br />for the day requested, then the request will be granted without further <br />conditions. However, if the number of officers scheduled to work on the <br />days) of the request is at or below minimum staffing as defined by the <br />department, the compensatory time off request will be granted only if a <br />qualified replacement has volunteered and committed to work the <br />assignment left open by the request for time off. The volunteer may <br />exchange days off with the requesting employee within the 28 -day <br />deployment period, whichever applies, or may elect to receive overtime <br />compensation. <br />Requests for use of compensatory time off during holidays as defined by <br />this MOU, must be submitted in time to be considered during the monthly <br />scheduling meeting held by bureau and division commanders for the <br />upcoming month. These requests will be considered by seniority and will <br />29 <br />25C-33 <br />