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11.10 Industrial Leave. <br />A. Each "safety member" employee covered by the provisions of Labor Code Section <br />4850 who is compelled to be absent from duty because of an illness or injury <br />covered by the State of California Workers' Compensation Insurance and Safety <br />Act shall, in lieu of temporary disability compensation payable under the <br />aforementioned Act, continue to be paid his or her normal salary and accrue other <br />benefits in accordance with the provisions of Labor Code Section 4850. <br />B. Any period of time during which an employee is required to be absent from his or <br />her position by reason of an industrial injury or industrial illness for which he or <br />she is entitled to receive compensation shall not be considered a break in continuous <br />service for the purpose of his or her right to salary adjustment or to the accrual of <br />vacation and seniority. <br />11.11 Catastrophic Leave Donation. In order to assist employees otherwise granted leave of <br />absence without pay by the City Manager because of a catastrophic, non -industrial medical <br />condition or injury, the City and Association agree to implement a Catastrophic Leave <br />Donation Program. <br />A. Guidelines. It shall be understood that all donations under this procedure are <br />voluntary and subject to taxation for the recipient. <br />Employees may donate vacation or compensatory time or holiday leave <br />time to the eligible employee. In no event shall sick leave be donated. <br />2. Employees shall be provided a two-week period to submit donations. <br />Donations received after this two-week period shall not be processed. The <br />two-week period for each case shall be designated by the Police Chief or <br />his designee as provided herein below. If all previous time donated has <br />been exhausted, the recipient may request a new donation period be <br />designated by the Police Chief or his designee as provided herein below. <br />3. All vacation, compensatory time or holiday leave time donations must be <br />made in two (2) hour increments. There is no limit on the amount of the <br />donation that can be made. <br />4. Any authorization of donations not made in accordance with the procedures <br />outlined in Section C, subparagraph 2 below, will not be processed. <br />5. All donations shall be irrevocable. <br />6. In the event the recipient returns to work before leave donations have been <br />exhausted, any balance on the books shall be accrued by the recipient and <br />designated as sick leave and may be used pursuant to Article XI, Sections <br />11.1A through 11.lK above. <br />46 <br />25C-50 <br />