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22.3 Any permanent, fill -time employee laid off render the above provisions may request a <br />demotion to a position in a lower class provided he/she meets reasonably related <br />qualifications required for placement in the class and the position is vacant. <br />22.4 In lieu of layoff, an employee may elect to work in a lower level classification, in which <br />he or she has served, providing that classification is within the same job family/career <br />ladder. In that event, the employee's length of service in the next lower classification will <br />be added to his or her length of service in the affected classification, and said combined <br />seniority shall be used to bump down into the next lower classification. This method of <br />combining seniority shall be applied to subsequent lower classifications. <br />22.5 For positions that were advertised in the Police Department as "open and promotional" or <br />"promotional only" which are open to Police Department employees only, there will be <br />created a "job ladder" such that those employees in positions to be eliminated through <br />layoff shall be entitled to return to the POA job classification in the Police Department <br />from which they promoted, "bumping" any employee in that job class with less cumulative <br />years of service in that job class than the bumping employee had in that job class prior to <br />promotion. <br />22.6 Notice of Service. On request, a laid off employee shall receive a statement certifying that <br />his/her services have been satisfactory. Layoff shall not be used in lieu of a disciplinary <br />dismissal. <br />ARTICLE XXIII <br />23.0 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS <br />23.1 Reovener. The Association and City mutually agree to re -open the MOU to meet and confer <br />on the subjects of: <br />A. The use of body cameras; and <br />B. Implementation of the Lexipol Policy Manual. <br />23.2 Uniform Allowance. With respect to Safety and Miscellaneous employees who do not <br />qualify as "New Members" under the California Public Employees' Pension Reform Act <br />(PEPRA), the City shall report to Ca1PERS the monetary value of uniforms and uniform <br />maintenance for those employees required to wear uniforms. The monetary value by <br />classification is listed in Exhibit B, entitled "Uniform Allowance by Classification." The <br />value of the Uniform Allowance shall be determined by the City and will be reported to <br />the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) for retirement purposes <br />only. <br />Under CCR 57l(a), Uniform allowance is defined as "Compensation paid or the monetary <br />value for the purchase, rental and/or maintenance of required clothing, including clothing <br />62 <br />25C-66 <br />