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2017-046 - Approving Addendum Nos. 1 and 2
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2017-046 - Approving Addendum Nos. 1 and 2
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Santa Ana/Garden Grove Fixed Guideway Project Addendum <br />quality impact, increase in the severity of an impact, or new mitigation measure would be required associated with <br />implementation of the proposed design modifications. <br />In terms of long-term, operational air quality and greenhouse gas emissions impacts, with the exception of an <br />increased maximum speed in the PE ROW and the implementation of traffic signal priority, no changes to the <br />operational characteristics are proposed that would affect the previous conclusions of "less than significant impact" <br />for operational air quality and greenhouse gas emissions impacts. The Traffic Study Addendum v2 (provided in <br />Appendix C), indicates that all roadway segments and intersections would operate at an acceptable LOS with the <br />implementation of the traffic signal priority. Therefore, the conclusion that long-term impacts associated with <br />localized CO concentrations (due to poor intersection LOS) would be less than significant would remain. No <br />additional air quality or greenhouse gas emissions impacts would occur and the conclusions identified in the EIR <br />remain accurate. <br />Energy Resources <br />The EIR identified a less than significant impact to Energy Resources as a result of the Project. This is attributed to <br />the reduction of Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) that is anticipated with the operation of the streetcar. The proposed <br />design modifications would not affect the anticipated ridership for the Project, therefore, there would be no new <br />impact, or increase in the severity of an impact related to Energy Resources and the conclusions identified in the EIR <br />remain accurate. <br />Water Qualitv. Hvdroloqv, and Floodolains <br />The potential water quality, hydrology, and floodplains impacts associated with the construction and operation of the <br />Project were evaluated in the EIR. The EIR determined that impacts to these resources would be less than significant <br />related to water quality, water discharge, stormwater runoff and as related to alteration of drainage patterns. As <br />described previously, some of the proposed design modifications involve changes to the proposed drainage <br />improvements. Appendix P (Drainage Technical Report) of the EIR, described storm drain improvements on many <br />streets outside the Project alignment. However, modification of scope of drainage improvements is proposed in order <br />to rely less on connections to the existing storm drain network and, instead, use surface conveyance in streets to <br />maintain existing drainage patterns to the maximum extent practicable while addressing surface storm water <br />drainage needs generated by the Project, or change in drainage patterns caused solely by the Project. The proposed <br />design modifications to the drainage plan for the Project would not result in the increase in a new impact related to <br />hydrology, increase in the seventy of an impact related to hydrology, or require new mitigation measures in order to <br />address drainage and/or hydrology impacts. The EIR identifies that the Project would be required to comply with <br />BMPs to address pollutants of concern and hydrologic conditions of concern associated with the Project's stormwater <br />runoff. With implementation of the BMPs, the Project would result in less than significant impacts to water quality, <br />water discharge, and stormwater runoff. The implementation of BMPs would be applicable to the design <br />modifications. Further, design modifications such as changing the single track bridge to a double track bridge over <br />the Santa Ana River would not increase impervious surfaces, as the underlying channel is concrete lined. Therefore, <br />the construction and operation of the Project would be the same as evaluated in the EIR. No additional water quality, <br />hydrology, or floodplains impact would occur and the conclusions that impacts to these environmental resource areas <br />are less than significant as identified in the EIR remain accurate. <br />Safety and Security <br />This environmental resource issue area is only applicable to the analysis pursuant to the NEPA, and no further <br />analysis is warranted in this CEQA Addendum. <br />141P age 1170726.1 <br />
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