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11A - 2ND READ ORD - WATER AND SEWER with revised ordinance
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
11A - 2ND READ ORD - WATER AND SEWER with revised ordinance
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8/15/2017 12:47:06 PM
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7/31/2017 12:07:54 PM
City Clerk
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property. At locations where recycled water is used exclusively, the city may convert <br />existing service connections (including control valves and meters) from potable to <br />recycled water system connections. The user will own and maintain all facilities on the <br />user's side of the customer control valve. The user shall be held responsible and charged <br />for all water passing through meters at its property, <br />(b) The city reserves the right to determine the size of the recycled water <br />pipeline, the type of pipe, the service connection required, and any and all other <br />appurtenances related to recycled water usage which are located on the property location <br />to which recycled water will be delivered. <br />Sec. 39-35. - Same—Purchase of water by user. <br />(a) The city will supply recycled water to the user, and the user shall purchase <br />recycled water for the location(s) and purposes and in the estimated amounts set forth in <br />its recycled water user agreement. <br />(b) The user shall commence taking deliveries of recycled water after receiving <br />written notice of availability from the city. To the extent that the user's then -current use of <br />its property necessitates the use of recycled water, the user will continue to purchase <br />recycled water from the city. In the event that the current use of the property is <br />discontinued or is modified, recycled water service may be terminated by mutual <br />agreement in writing by the city and the user. <br />(c) The city reserves the right to control and schedule the use, distribution, and <br />delivery of recycled water if, in its reasonable discretion, control and scheduling are <br />necessary to maintain the recycled water distribution system in acceptable working <br />condition. Scheduling may include, but is not limited to, varying rates of pressure and <br />programming deliveries to the user and/or to portions of the user's property. <br />(d) If at any time during the construction or operation of the Green Acres Project <br />facilities, real or potential hazards, or evidence of a hazard, are found to exist, the city <br />reserves the right and has the authority to terminate recycled water service to the user's <br />property in the interest of protecting the public health. Service shall be reinstated upon <br />abatement of the hazard. If service is terminated pursuant to this section, the city may <br />supply the user with water from its potable water sources or an alternative recycled water <br />system at the then -current recycled water rate for up to thirty (30) days; after thirty (30) <br />days and until such time as the delivery of recycled water is reinstated, the user shall pay <br />the potable water rate if potable water is supplied or the recycled water rate if an <br />alternative source of recycled water is used. <br />(e) In the event the lack of delivery of recycled water is the result of an <br />operational fault of the city, the rate for the water delivered through the system will be <br />equal to the then -current rate for recycled water for a period of up to thirty (30) days; <br />thereafter, the user shall pay the regular potable rate. If the inability to deliver is beyond <br />the control of the city, the city shall charge and the user shall pay the regular potable rate. <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXX <br />Page 31 of 56 <br />11 A-33 <br />
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