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11A - 2ND READ ORD - WATER AND SEWER with revised ordinance
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
11A - 2ND READ ORD - WATER AND SEWER with revised ordinance
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discharged into the sewer system. A grease control device may also include any other <br />method proven to reduce FOG subject to the approval of the director of public works. <br />Grease interceptor means a multi -compartment device that is constructed in <br />different sizes and is generally required to be located outdoors and underground between <br />a FSE and the connection to the sewer system. These devices must be cleaned, <br />maintained, and have the FOG regularly removed and disposed of in a proper manner to <br />be effective. Also referred to as gravity grease interceptor or GGI. <br />Grease removal device means a type of hydro -mechanical grease interceptor that <br />automatically and mechanically removes non -petroleum fats, oils, and grease from the <br />interceptor, the control of which is either automatic or manually initiated. Also referred to <br />as GRD. <br />Grease trap means a grease control device that is used to serve individual fixtures. <br />These have a limited effect and should only be used in those cases where the use of a <br />grease interceptor or other grease control device is determined to be impossible or <br />impracticable. Also referred to as hydro -mechanical grease interceptor or HGI. <br />Hot spots means areas in sewer lines that have experienced sanitary sewer <br />overflows that must be cleaned or maintained frequently to avoid blockages of sewer <br />system, or require maintenance that otherwise would be unnecessary. <br />Inflow means water entering a sewer system through a direct stormwater runoff <br />connection to the sanitary sewer, which may cause an almost immediate increase in <br />wastewater flows. <br />Infiltration means water entering a sewer system, including sewer service <br />connections, from the ground through such means as defective pipes, pipe joints, <br />connections, or manhole walls. <br />Interference means any discharge which, alone or in conjunction with discharges <br />from other sources, inhibits or disrupts the city's sewer system or is a cause of violation <br />of federal or state environmental laws. <br />New construction means any structure planned or under construction for which <br />sewer connection permits have not been issued. <br />Lower sewer lateral means that portion of the sewer lateral that extends from the <br />sewer main to the private property line. <br />Person means any individual, partnership, firm, association, corporation or public <br />agency, including the state and the United States of America. <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXX <br />Page 35 of 56 <br />11 A-37 <br />
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