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BUDGET DETAIL <br />Exhibit B <br />BUDGET CATEGORY AND LINE-ITENI DETAIL <br />COST <br />(Round budget amounts <br />to nearest dollar) <br />A. Personnel Services (Straight Time Salaries, Overtime, and Benefits) <br />A.1 Straight Time N/A <br />A.2 Overtime Corporal: Overtime Rate $80X 500 hours <br />540,000 <br />Officer: Overtime Rate $75 X 700 hours <br />$52,500 <br />A.3 Benefits all personnel combined N/A <br />TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES <br />592,500 <br />B. Operating Expenses (maximum $2,500) <br />Money for undercover purchases of alcohol and narcotics <br />$2,500 <br />TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES <br />$2,500 <br />C. Equipment (maximum $2,500) <br />(Attach receipts for all equipment purchases to monthly billing invoice) <br />Flash lights with CJV, jewelers loupes (counterfeit identification detector), 2 digital <br />52,500 <br />cameras with cases, USB thumb drives and memory cards, binoculars <br />TOTAL EQUIPMENT <br />52,500 <br />D. Travel Expense/Registration Fees (maximum $2,500) <br />(Registration fee for July 2017 GAP Conference attendee is $275 each) <br />$550 <br />Travel, per diem, and lodging For the July 2017 ABC GAP conference <br />51,950 <br />TOTAL TRAVEL EXPENSE <br />52,500 <br />TOTAL BUDGET DETAIL COST, ALL CATEGORIES <br />$100,000 <br />