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PROJECT TIMELINE <br />July— Receive Award and meet with collaborators and partners to go over the terms of the agreement <br />and goals/objectives. We will discuss and update preparations completed to date. <br />July - Collect materials; draft concepts of the final product; create prototypes; and install a living art <br />piece <br />July - Host a workshop for the organic art project based on the progress of the living art piece (i.e. <br />germination, companion gardening). Enroll participants. <br />July-Unidos present schedule of the six events and final presentation in October. Unidos to meet with <br />Brian to help identify the subjects of the portraits. As each subject is selected. The portraits will begin. <br />Depending on the schedule, Brian may take his portrait painting to the community site and talk about <br />portrait painting. He will talk about the portraits and their stories at the final presentation. <br />July -Confirm schedule and participation of collaborating youth organizations and community <br />organizations like Artesia Pilar Neighborhood Association, Riverview West, Santa Anita, MIX Academy at <br />Newsong, Cambodian Family, Kidswork, Boys and Girls Club, EI Centro, etc. YAC will invite organizations <br />to attend a mural painting event in their ward. We intend to have as much of the city represented. We <br />anticipate that we will reach about 1200 active participants. <br />July -October Schedule photographers/videographers and share contact information so that they can <br />document the creative process and the final presentation. The video will be shown at the final <br />presentation with the program. <br />July to October -The mural painting will occur in six different locations. We are hoping to cover all <br />Council Wards. Outreach flyers to partnering youth and community organizations to send their <br />participants. <br />September -Projects will be touched up, finalized and prep for installation at the final presentation. <br />September—Artists will meet to finalize plans for the final presentation <br />October- Present photos of the organic art progress of the living art piece; have guests taste and engage <br />with living art piece; educate guests about the importance of sustainability and healthy food systems. <br />The public will view the six murals and portraits and photographs. Artists will engage the public and read <br />from stories compiled from youth participants. Our goal is to reveal the positive assets of the city that <br />are underappreciated. <br />From May to October, New Earth Life will monitor the progress of the living art piece being grown for <br />presentation. <br />October -All will prepare results for presentation and outreach to the community to attend final <br />presentation. Participants who participated in the creative process will be invited to attend and be <br />recognized. Each artist will present their result and the stories behind them. Participants will be asked <br />to share their experience. The final presentation will be photographed and videotape. The video and <br />photographs will be edited and compiled and accessible on the websites of the YAC. The press will be <br />invited to attend. <br />