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carries the power to love, humanize, and share stories that support positive support for our <br />residents. Brian will befriend and paint portraits that will reveal the beauty and underappreciated <br />assets of our city. We draw our inspiration from the Tupac Shakar poem called The Rose that <br />Grew from Concrete, "Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete?... <br />Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else ever cared." The five portraits will <br />be displayed at our final presentation event with stories. <br />Joey Linnert will create living art sculptures at the final event form organic materials <br />gathering from local neighborhoods and presented at the final presentation. Nellie LeGaspe that <br />will engage residents to create masks using materials from the neighborhood to celebrate the <br />diverse cultural roots of residents. Unidos will document the creative process by photographing <br />and videotaping it. <br />The resulting art and creative process will unify Santa Ana Neighborhoods using art and <br />working with local artists to connect art with our neighbors and communities. At the final event, <br />the masks, murals, portraits and living art on display. Each artist will present their result and <br />the stories behind them. Participants will be asked to share their experience revealing the roses <br />that grew from concrete. <br />Type of Application:: <br />Organization based in Santa Ana and proposes to use grant funds to provide arts and culture <br />programming in Santa Ana <br />Need:: <br />$10,000 <br />1 am applying for: <br />Programming Costs <br />Equipment <br />Special Events <br />Other <br />If other please state below:: <br />Art, mural and public creative art event and living art supplies such as artists paints and other <br />materials. <br />Organization Mission and History: <br />The Youth Art Collaborative is a new collaboration with established arts and art organizations <br />serving Santa Ana. Santa Ana Undios is lead agency and is a Santa Ana free year round <br />afterschool education/arts resource center/ youth program to low-income/at-risk Santa Ana <br />youth that uses art and cultural arts to participate in gang intervention/prevention programs that <br />empower youth to thrive and transition to a healthy and productive adulthood. <br />The mission of Faces of Santa Ana is to use art to help those in need while inspiring and <br />engaging artists to use their art to promote change and helping the needy. Faces believes <br />creativity is given and meant for the outward pouring of love. Brian Peterson of Faces lives in <br />the Santa Ana Artist Village. Faces inspires others to see the beauty and uniqueness inside <br />those who feel invisible. Faces befriend people without homes and paints portraits that will <br />reveal the beauty of underappreciated assets of our city. <br />Vicky Otero/Inspyr Arts is a creative arts studio and arts organization that provides high <br />quality arts programming in classical drawing and painting, creative art, and digital art while <br />impacting the lives of community members through art. Their mission is to use the visual arts to <br />promote positive growth combining creativity and mentoring to guide students in creating <br />wonderful masterpieces, and having lots of fun. Vicky works with Santa Ana youth through <br />