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State of California—The Resources Agency Primary <br />DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# <br />BUILDING, STRUCTURE, AND OBJECT RECORD <br />Page JE of 3 *CHR Status Code 5S1 <br />Resource rvame or sr onaner rrouse <br />B1. Historic Name: Shaffer House <br />B2. Common Name: Same <br />B3. Original Use: Single-family Residence B4. Present Use: Single-family Residence <br />*B5. Architectural Style: Tudor Revival Style <br />*66. Construction History: (Construction date, alterations, and date of alterations): Constructed 1931 <br />December7, 1931. Residence and garage. $4,500. <br />December 14, 2000 Reroof, <br />September 22, 2016 Remodel hallway bathroom. <br />*67, Moved? MNo ❑Yes MUnknown Dater Original Location: <br />*68. Related Features: None. <br />B9a, Architect: Unknown <br />b, Builder: Unknown <br />*B10. Significance: Theme Residential Architecture Area Santa Ana <br />Period of Significance: circa 1895.1965 Property Type: Single-family Residence Applicable Criteria: CR; 5S1 <br />(Discuss importance In terns of historical or architectural context as defined by theme, period, and geographic scope. Also address integrity) <br />The first residents of this home were Rockford John Shaffer and his wife, Addie H. Shaffer, Rockford was originally from Champaign <br />County, Ohio. The couple met and later wed in Ohio in 1912. Mr. Shafferwas born In 1887, while Mrs. Shaffer, ten years his senior <br />was born In 1877. Rockford laterjoined the military efforts to help end World War I by enlisting with the United States Navy. After his <br />service, the couple moved to Los Angeles, California before moving to Santa Ana, Rockford held many jobs a mechanic, custodian, <br />carpenter and salesman. Addie Shaffer was a home maker. The Shaffers were heavily Involved in the Santa Ana community and <br />large supporters of the arts. Mr. Shaffer in his later years, volunteered at the Santa Ana High school as a caretaker and advisor for <br />the stage crew. He led and directed the stage crew members In making sets for school plays. Addle passed in 1954 and Rockford <br />followed in 1955, The home was sold to Leon L. and Margaret R. Logush in 1955. The Logushes occupied the home with their two <br />children, Sandra and Michael until 2015 when it was sold to the current owners Ryan Grossheim and Andrew Layton, Just as John <br />Shaffer did in his time, Mr. Layton also advises young theater students In design and backstage activities, at a local California public <br />school, thus creating a larger full -circle history of its tenant's professions 65 years later. <br />B11, Additional Resource Attributes: (List attributes and <br />*B12. References: <br />City of Santa Ana Building Permits <br />Santa Ana History Room Collection, Santa Ana Public Library <br />Sanborn Maps <br />Harris, Cyril M. American Architecture: An Illustrated <br />Encvclooedia. New York, WW Norton, 1998, <br />Marsh, Diann, Santa Ana, An Illustrated History, Encinitas, <br />Heritage Publishing, 1994, <br />(See Continuation Sheet 3 of 4.) <br />B13. Remarks: <br />*B14. Evaluator: Ivan Orozco <br />*Date of Evaluation: July 20, 2017 <br />(This space reserved for official comments.) <br />DPR 5236 (1/95) <br />25A-51 <br />Sketch MSA 002-094.07 <br />1710 N. Heliotrope Drive <br />is wd <br />ri rN, <br />n Sr <br />ation <br />