in a group setting, one-on-one, or clectrunically, is the process of providing broad
<br />information to customers in order.- to acquaint them with the services, programs, staff, and
<br />other resources at the Santa Ana Work Center; or its partner agencies.
<br />. Initial Assessment. For individuals new to theworkforce system, initial assessment involves
<br />the gathering of basic information about skill levels, aptitudes, abilities, barriers,, and
<br />supportive service needs in order to recommend next steps and determine potential referrals
<br />to partners or community resources..
<br />4. duh Search, Placement Assistance, and Career Counseling: Job Search helps an individual
<br />seek, locate, apply for, and obtain a job, It may include but is not limited to: job finding
<br />skills,, orientation to the labor market, resume preparation assistance, development of ajob
<br />searchplan, joke dcvelopmcnt, referrals to job openings, placement services, job finding
<br />clubs, job search workshops, vocational exploration, relocation assistance, and re-
<br />employment services such as orientation, skills determination; and pre -layoff assistance,
<br />Placement Assistance is a service that helps people to identify and secure paid employment
<br />that matches their aptitude, qualifications; experiences, and interests. Career Counseling is a
<br />facilitated exploration of occupational and industrial information that will lead to a first, new,
<br />or a better job for the individual.
<br />5. Employment statistics -Labor Market Information: Collect and report data about
<br />employment levels, unemployment rates, wages and earnings, employment projections, jobs,
<br />training resources and careers, ( MI)
<br />b. Eligible Provider performsmee and program, Cost Information: Collect andprovide
<br />information on:
<br />A, Eligible: training service providers (described in WIOA Section 122)
<br />13. Eligible youth activity providers (described in Wl4A Section 123)
<br />C. Eligible adult education providers (described in WIOA Title 11).
<br />D. Eligible pustsecoudaryvocational educational activities and vocational educational
<br />activities available to school; dropouts under the Carl Perkins Act (20 USC 2301).
<br />B. Eligible vocational rehabilitation program activities (described in Title I of the
<br />Rehabilitation Act of 1473)
<br />7. Local Performance information: Collect and provide information on the local area's recent
<br />performance measure outcomes.
<br />8. Supportive Services, Information: Collect and provide information on services such as
<br />transportation, child care, dependent care, housing, and needs -related payments that are
<br />necessary to enable an individual to participatein employment and training activities.
<br />9. Unemployment Compensation: Collect and provide information on filing claims for state
<br />benefit payments that
<br />M
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