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Attachment 3 <br />`GbE oca e a ne <br />M Ii ) <br />ent <br />Min <br />The other system costs budget includes any other shared services that are authorized for and <br />commonly provided through the AJGC partner programs. <br />As with Infrastructure costs, other system costs must be allocable according to the proportion of <br />benefit received by each of the AJGC partner programs, consistent with the partner's <br />authorizing federal statute and Uniform Guidance. The MOU Phase If must also include an <br />agreed upon budget for these other costs along with the agreed upon cost sharing <br />methodology. These costs may be shared through cash or non-cash. <br />Shared Comprehensive Personnel Costs for AJGC Co-tocated Partners <br />Shared Costs based on Proportionate Square Footage Occupied. <br />�° ACC Sysfem Budget€ <br />AJGC'Peisonne . <br />AtCC Personnel <br />Budget Detail <br />Contracted Security Guard <br />1 FTE @ 56,737.05 <br />Receptionists (SOA:) <br />1 FTE @ $97,207 <br />Total Personnel Budget <br />$153,944X6 <br />;� r�elnrtaattaro b lonaeSrareofl asfruetureGosfs�l�ocatedYo act <br />The cost allocation methodology will be based upon a partner program's occupancy percentage <br />of the AJCG (square footage). Thfs method will ensure a fair and equitable distribution of post. <br />The initial proportionate share of infrastructure casts allocated to each partner based on the <br />above methodology, each partner's estimated total contribution amount, and whether It will be <br />provided through cash, non-cash (in-kind), and/or third -party in-kind contributions. This initial <br />determination will be periodically reconciled against actual costs Incurred and adjusted <br />accordingly due to ADA Improvements, new occupancy and/or execution of new lease, <br />AJCG,partners may provide cash or non-cash contributions to cover their proportionate share of <br />infrastructure costs. if non-cash or in-kind contributions are used, they cannot include non - <br />infrastructure costs (such as personnel), and they must be valued consistent with. Uniform <br />Guidance Section 200.336 to ensure they are fairly evaluated and meet the partner's <br />proportionate share. <br />Shared Comprehensive`Persbnnel CostsJAllocafedto Each <br />6640,64 led Partner <br />The cost allocation methodology will be based upon thesamemethodology as mentioned <br />above, a partner program's occupancy percentage of the AJGC (square footage). This method <br />will ensure a fair and equitable distribution of cast. <br />Allocation of Proportionate Share of Infrastructure Costs for CO -1 old Partners <br />Co -located Partner <br />Application of <br />Allocated <br />Amount: <br />Amount: <br />SEF/ <br />Methodology <br />Initial Share <br />Gash <br />In -Kind' <br />Other System Casts <br />2:53% <br />$3,894.7$ <br />25C-44 <br />