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supports social and educational services and access to than, mostly though not exclusively <br />through its AJCC and WDB. An effective efficient administration is necessary to deliver the <br />services that make each of these strategies effective,. The Santa Ana WDB's overall strategies: <br />L Identify regional clusters most likely to create now jolts in which Santa Aria's workforce <br />can participate and the foundational requirements of such jobs; <br />2, 1xpand small business development support as a creator of new jobs and method for <br />growing the local tax base; <br />3. Educate Santa Ana's current and future workforce through classroom pre -training and <br />training activities, plus on-the-job training and workforce skill enhancement activities; <br />4, Offer career pathway programs for both unemployed and employed adults and ,youth; <br />5: Increase access to jobs for disconnected and underserved populations, especially youth„ <br />established institutional resources; and <br />7. Assure funding; from all public, private, and other sources in support of its programs, <br />SYSTEM STRUCTURE <br />AMERICA'S JOB CENTERS OF CALIFORNIA <br />The Santa Ana Workforce Board has one comprehensive AJCC in the City of Santa Ana which <br />is designed to provide a full range of assistance to job seekers and businesses under one roof. <br />Established under the Workforce Investment tact of 1998 and continued by the WIOA, the AJCC <br />offers a comprehensive array of services designed to match talent with opportunities. <br />ADMINISTERED BY THE CITY OFSANTCA ANA <br />I. American Job Center (Comprehensive) <br />Santa Ana Wf O/RIK CENTER <br />1000 E. Santa Ana Blvd,, Suite 200, Suite 220 <br />Santa An, CA 9,2701 <br />(714) 565-2600 <br />w�vw, <br />Monday — Friday 8:00 am until 5:00 pm <br />AJCC ONE-STOP OPERATOR <br />The Santa Ana Workforce Development .Board will utilize the same AJCC One, (AJCC) <br />Operator as the OCDB. The Orange County development Board procured the AICC Operator <br />through a competitive process in accordance with the Uniform guidance Cost Principles <br />contained in the ]Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements <br />for Federat Awards at 2 CFR part 200 (Uniform guidance), including the Office of Management <br />and Budget's (QMH) approved exceptions for the U.S. Department of Labor at 2 CFR part 2900, <br />WlQA and its implementing, regulations, and local procurement laws and regulations.. All <br />documentation for the competitive AJCC operator procurement is available for public inspection.. <br />The State requires that the AJCC operator is re -competed at least every three years and no later <br />9 <br />25C-7 <br />