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California State Library <br />Fiscal Office <br />P.O.942837 <br />Sacramento, CA 94237-0001 <br />LSTA GA PAGE 2 <br />LSTA GRANT AWARD # 40-8787 <br />Project Title: Youth Know: Community Social Innovation Project <br />System/Agency: Santa Ana Public Library <br />CONSOLIDATED APPLICATION <br />NOTIFICATION OF GRANT AWARD, LSTA (continued) <br />B. The control of funds and title to property derived there from shall be in a subrecipient <br />agency for the uses and purposes provided; a subrecipient agency will administer such property <br />and funds and shall apply funds only for the purposes for which they were granted. <br />9. The expenditure under this program will not be used to supplant subrecipient effort. <br />10. This agreement is entered into under provisions of the Library Services and Technology <br />Act, Public Law 104-208 on September 30, 1996; and Congressional Record — House, H11644 - <br />H11728 on September 28, 1996, H12266 -H12267 on October 3, 1996; and 2 CFR 200, Uniform <br />Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, <br />December 26, 2013. Congress enacted the Museum and Library Services Act of 2010 (Pub. L. <br />111-340, codified at 20 U.S.C. § 9101 of seq.), which also incorporates Library Services and <br />Technology Act (LSTA). <br />11. Performance of the provisions of this agreement is subject to the conditions and availability <br />of funds as awarded by the State Librarian under said Act. <br />12. The terms of this agreement shall be from upon execution until the end of the grant period, <br />but shall be subject to termination by either party by giving written notice to the other party at least <br />thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of termination. <br />In the event this agreement is so terminated, the subrecipient shall deliver to the State Librarian <br />copies of all reports and/or materials prepared up to the date of termination, and the State Librarian <br />shall determine, and pay the subrecipient for the necessary and appropriate expenditures and <br />obligations to the date of termination which have not been covered by prior installments heretofore <br />paid to the subrecipient. If funding has been advanced to the subrecipient, any unobligated <br />balances, as determined by the State Librarian, shall be returned to the State Library within 60 <br />days of the notice of termination. <br />13. The State Librarian is empowered to review, audit, and inspect the project for compliance <br />with this agreement. <br />LIMITATION OF EXPENDITURE <br />Expenditure for all projects must conform to the approved budget, as amended, and with <br />applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. <br />55A-21 <br />