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Meta Housing Corporation, City of Santa Ana, and Santa Ana Arts Collective L.P. <br />16-AHSC-11199 <br />Page 1 of 17 <br />EXHIBIT D <br />AHSC TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) Program <br />Loan for Rental Affordable Housing Development <br />GENERAL <br />Effective Date, Commencement of Work and Completion Dates <br />This Agreement is effective upon approval by the State which is the date stamped by the <br />Department in the lower right hand corner of the coversheet of this Agreement (STD 213). The <br />Sponsor agrees that the construction of the Affordable Housing Development has not commenced <br />as of the deadline for submittal of applications set forth in the Notice of Funding Availability, The <br />Sponsor agrees that the Work shall be completed as specified in this Agreement, subject to the <br />termination date specified on page 1, number 2, of this Agreement (STD 213), and in paragraph <br />3 below, unless a written request for an extension is submitted and written approval by the <br />Department is provided within 90 days prior to the termination date of the Agreement. Any <br />extension to the termination date shall require an amendment to this Agreement. <br />2. Termination <br />The Department may terminate this Agreement at any time for cause by giving at least 14 days <br />notice in writing to the Sponsor. Cause shall consist of violations by the Sponsor of any terms <br />and/or special conditions of this Agreement, including but not limited to: <br />A. Failure of the AHSC Loan to close on or before the AHSC Loan closing deadline as stated <br />under "Timing" in these General Conditions. <br />B. Failure of the Sponsor to satisfy in a timely manner each of the conditions set forth in these <br />General Conditions and the Award Letter. <br />C. Determination by the Department that: (a) any material fact or representation made or <br />furnished to the Department by the Sponsor in connection with the Application, or the <br />Award Letter shall have been untrue or misleading at the time that such fact or <br />representation was made known to the Department, or subsequently becomes untrue, or <br />(b) the Sponsor shall have concealed any material fact from the Department related to the <br />Application or the Affordable Housing Development. <br />D. Filing a petition by Sponsor, or any affiliate or general partner of Sponsor, for relief under <br />the Bankruptcy Code; the filing of any pleading or an answer by Sponsor, or any general <br />partner of Sponsor, in any involuntary proceeding under the Bankruptcy Code; a general <br />assignment by Sponsor, or any affiliate or general partner of Sponsor, for the benefit of <br />creditors; or the fling of an application for the appointment of a receiver, trustee, custodian <br />AHSC Loan - Rental Affordable Housing Development <br />NOFA Date: 01/29/16 <br />Approved Date: 03/09/17 <br />Prep Date: 07/20/17 <br />