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term care facilities, nursing homes, psychiatric facilities, rehabilitation facilities, and <br />developmental disability facilities. <br />(6) Domestic -common area. Domestic -common area water service shall be <br />used to serve domestic water to clubhouses, on-site laundry rooms, recreational areas, <br />exercise rooms, drinking fountains, cooling equipment and make up water for <br />recirculating decorative fountains. <br />(7) Irrigation. Irrigation water service shall be used for irrigation systems to <br />establish and maintain landscape areas, lawns, trees, gardens, and shrubs; assist crop <br />and pasture growth; or to maintain vegetation on recreational lands such as parks, <br />sports fields, and golf courses. Irrigation includes water that is applied for pre -irrigation, <br />chemical application, weed control, field preparation, harvesting, and dust suppression. <br />Irrigation water service shall be used to irrigate all non-residential irrigated landscapes <br />of 1,000 sq. ft. and residential irrigated landscape of 5,000 sq. ft. or greater. <br />(8) Industrial. Industrial water service shall be used to serve water to <br />industries that use water in their manufacturing or any portion of their fabrication or <br />process systems. <br />(9) Recycled water. Recycled water service, if available, shall be used in <br />accordance with section 39-38. <br />(10) Fire protection. Fire protection services shall be used for fire protection <br />systems pursuant to the local fire code as specified in section 39-27. <br />(b) There shall be the following metering requirements: <br />(1) Each individual residential unit, commercial unit, industrial unit, and mobile <br />home space shall be individually metered by city or submetered as required by <br />applicable law. <br />(2) Residential lots with landscape area over 5,000 sq. ft. shall be required to <br />have a dedicated irrigation service and water meter. <br />(3) Non-residential lots with landscape area greater than 1,000 sq. ft. shall <br />have dedicated irrigation service and water meter. <br />(4) At the discretion of the director of public works, master metering can be <br />allowed if site conditions prohibit the installation of individual meters, or submeters are <br />proposed by the developer. <br />(5) Newly constructed multiunit residential structures or newly constructed <br />mixed-use residential and commercial structures for which an application for a water <br />connection, or more than one connection, is submitted after January 1, 2018, shall at <br />Ordinance No. NS -2921 <br />Page 17 of 57 <br />