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MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (PHASE II) <br />PARTIES <br />The parties to this Memorandum of Understanding Phase II (MOU) are the Mayor and City <br />Council of the City of Santa Ana, the Santa Ana Workforce Development Board (WDB), and <br />Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (AJCC Partner). <br />LEGAL AUTHORITY <br />The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) sec. 121(c)(1) requires that each Local <br />Workforce Development Board with the agreement of the Chief Local Elected Official, develop <br />and enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with each AJCC Partner, consistent <br />with WIOA Sec. 121(c)(2), concerning the operation of the AJCC delivery system in the City of <br />Santa Ana. This requirement is further described in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity <br />Act; Joint Rule for Unified and Combined State Plans, Performance Accountability, and the <br />AJCC System Joint Provisions: Final Rule at 20 CFR 678.500, 34 CFR 361.500, and 34 CFR <br />463.500, and in Federal guidance. <br />Additionally, the sharing and allocation of infrastructure costs among AJCC partners is governed <br />by WIOA sec. 121(h), its implementing regulations, and the Federal Cost Principles contained in <br />the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal <br />Awards (Uniform Guidance) at 2 CFR part 200. <br />INTRODUCTION <br />The Santa Ana Workforce Development Board's goal is to create an integrated location and a <br />unified structure and process of proactive, transparent, and effective job seeker and business <br />services, orchestrated by a seamless collaboration of talent development and support agencies. <br />The purpose of this MOU is to define the parameters within which education, workforce, <br />economic development, and other Partner programs and entities operating within the jurisdiction <br />of the City of Santa Ana create a seamless, customer -focused America's Job Center of California <br />(AJCC) network that aligns service delivery across the board and enhances access to program <br />services. By realizing AJCC opportunities together, partners are able to build community - <br />benefiting bridges, rather than silos of programmatic isolation. These partnerships will increase <br />customer access and performance outcomes. <br />LOCAL/REGIONAL VISION STATEMENT, MISSION STATEMENT, AND GOALS <br />Santa Ana's vision rests on integrating current and future resources through its WDB partners. <br />Integration suggests more than partnering or assembling multiple funding sources. It means <br />making certain that all elements of the workforce support system work together to create synergy <br />for its target populations by offering inviting and seamless services, wherever a client enters the <br />system. Santa Ana's vision also embraces the future, as all visions should. It spawns new <br />industries and clusters and changes old ones. It generates fresh workforce opportunities in the <br />process. The Santa Ana WDB's strategic plan rests not only on strengths of its current industrial <br />base, but also the demands of emerging business and economic trends. Finally, Santa Ana's <br />vision is sensitive to the needs of its unique demographics and regional mix. As a major supplier <br />of workforce for surrounding communities, Santa Ana is firmly embedded in its regional and <br />cluster matrix. Santa Ana's implementation of the vision entails enhancing business and <br />FA <br />