Laserfiche WebLink
Partners further agree that the collection, use, and disclosure of customers' personally <br />identifiable information (PII) is subject to various requirements set forth in Federal and State <br />privacy laws. Partners acknowledge that the execution of this MOU, by itself, does not function <br />to satisfy all of these requirements. <br />Per the final Workforce Services Draft Directive 16-23 from the Employment Development <br />Department and the California Workforce Development Board, the Mandated Use of One <br />Integrated Data System — Direct Data Entry into CalJOBS, all partners of the AJCC agree to <br />utilize this data system for inputting job seeker and employer information. <br />All data, including customer PII, collected, used, and disclosed by Partners will be subject to the <br />following: <br />• Customer PII will be properly secured in accordance with the Local Board's policies and <br />procedures regarding the safeguarding of PII; <br />• The collection, use, and disclosure of customer education records, and the PII contained <br />therein, as defined under FERPA, shall comply with FERPA and applicable State privacy <br />laws; <br />• All confidential data contained in UI wage records must be protected in accordance with <br />the requirements set forth in 20 CFR part 603; <br />• All personal information contained in VR records must be protected in accordance with <br />the requirements set forth in 34 CFR 361.38; <br />• Customer data may be shared with other programs, for those programs' purposes, within <br />the AJCC network only after the informed written consent of the individual has been <br />obtained, where required; <br />• Customer data will be kept confidential, consistent with Federal and State privacy laws <br />and regulations; and <br />• All data exchange activity will be conducted in machine readable format, such as HTML <br />or PDF, for example, and in compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of <br />1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. § 794 (d)). <br />All AJCC and Partner staff will be trained in the protection, use, and disclosure requirements <br />governing PII and any other confidential data for all applicable programs, including FERPA- <br />protected education records, confidential information in UI records, and personal information in <br />VR records. <br />CONFIDENTIALITY <br />All Parties expressly agree to abide by all applicable Federal, State, and local laws and <br />regulations regarding confidential information, including PII from educational records, such as <br />but not limited to 20 CFR Part 603, 45 CFR Section 205.50, 20 USC 12328 and 34 CFR part 99, <br />and 34 CFR 361.38, as well as any applicable State and local laws and regulations. <br />