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• Commit to robust and ongoing communication required for an effective referral process, <br />and <br />• Commit to actively follow up on the results of referrals and assuring that Partner <br />resources are being leveraged at an optimal level. <br />ACCESSIBILITY <br />Accessibility to the services provided by the AJCCs and all Partner agencies is essential to <br />meeting the requirements and goals of the local AJCC network. Job seekers and businesses must <br />be able to access all information relevant to them via visits to physical locations as well as in <br />virtual spaces, regardless of gender, age, race, religion, national origin, disability, veteran's <br />status, or on the basis of any other classification protected under state or federal law. <br />NON-DISCRIMINATION AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY <br />All Parties to this MOU certify that they prohibit, and will continue to prohibit, discrimination, <br />and they certify that no person, otherwise qualified, is denied employment, services, or other <br />benefits on the basis of: (i) political or religious opinion or affiliation, marital status, sexual <br />orientation, gender, gender identification and/or expression, race, color, creed, or national origin; <br />(ii) sex or age, except when age or sex constitutes a bona fide occupational qualification; or (iii) <br />the physical or mental disability of a qualified individual with a disability. <br />The Parties specifically agree that they will comply with Section 188 of the WIOA <br />Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Regulations (29 CFR Part 38; Final Rule December 2, <br />2016), the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.), the Non-traditional <br />Employment for Women Act of 1991, titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights of 1964, as amended, <br />Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the Age Discrimination Act of 1967, <br />as amended, title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, and with all applicable <br />requirements imposed by or pursuant to regulations implementing those laws, including but not <br />limited to 29 CFR Part 37 and 38. <br />GRIEVANCES AND COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE <br />The AJCC partner agrees to establish and maintain a procedure for grievance and complaints as <br />outlined in WIOA. The process for handling grievances and complaints is applicable to <br />customers and partners. These procedures will allow the customer or entity filing the complaint <br />to exhaust every administrative level in receiving a fair and complete hearing and resolution of <br />their grievance. The partner further agrees to communicate openly and directly to resolve any <br />problems or disputes related to the provision of services in a cooperative manner and at the <br />lowest level of intervention possible. All partners agree to inform each other immediately when <br />a customer violates an established policy that would require them to be banned from the center or <br />involves police authorities. <br />AMERICAN'S WITH DISABILITIES ACT AND AMENDMENTS COMPLIANCE <br />The AJCC partner agrees to ensure that the policies and procedures as well as the programs and <br />services provided at the AJCC are in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and <br />its amendments. Additionally, partners agree to fully comply with the provisions of WIOA, Title <br />VII of the civil Rights act of 1964, the Age Decimation Act of 1975, Title IX of the Education <br />Amendments of 1972, 29 CRF Part 37 and all other regulations implementing the <br />aforementioned laws. The WDB and the America's Job Center of California partners will ensure <br />3 <br />