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a h are <br />your independem heolthmre choice. <br />Range Medical Homecare Supplies <br />Range Medical Homecare Supplies serves the residents in Orange County. Range Medical offers <br />a wide range of services which include bath safety, mobility products, lift chairs, scooters, <br />wound care, cushions, ADL's and more. NaphCare is working with Chris Helliesen, Owner and <br />President, to discuss future opportunities for providing medical supplies to the offenders at <br />the SAI. A signed letter of intent is included in the Appendix. <br />F. MEDICAL SERVICE PROVIDER MINIMUM STAFFING <br />Staffing Narrative for the Santa Ana jail <br />NaphCare has offered the RFP's minimum staffing models to comply with the RFP and meet the unique <br />needs of the Santa Ana Jail. It is our goal to always provide the necessary support to efficiently administer <br />all medical, mental, and emergency healthcare services for SAJ detainees. We achieve this by blending a <br />multi -disciplinary team with TechCore®, combining clinical talent with technology to yield a standard of care <br />unequaled in the correctional healthcare industry. <br />While current staffing at the SAJ has and continues to provide competent support forthe operation of our <br />medical care program, we offer the City the RFP minimum, two-tiered plans based on the Jail's ADP. Each of <br />these plans supports our Proactive Care Model, focusing on identifying critical medical issues up front in <br />order to prevent more serious outcomes later. At the SAJ, our proactive strategy has significantly reduced <br />ER trips by 98%, shortened sick call wait time from 14 days to one, and decreased medical grievances by <br />72%. <br />In addition, NaphCare's staffing plan for both Tier 1 and Tier 2 includes a Health Services Administrator to <br />lead, direct, manage, and evaluate operations at the SAL The HSA ensures all operations are in compliance <br />with the contract and jail requirements, NCCHC, ACA, and professional nursing standards. The HSA also <br />serves as the primary liaison between the SAJ and the corporate office. The HSA oversees operations for <br />healthcare at the Jail and maintains consistent communication with the corporate office clinical and <br />administrative personnel. Our HSA, in collaboration with corporate office staff, will be devoted to keeping <br />Santa Ana administration informed of contracted healthcare services for inmates. <br />NaphCare will perform the initial Intake Screening within two hours of an inmate's admittance, using an RN <br />available 24/7 to detect urgent medical needs early. We identify any medical and mental health issues <br />needing prompt attention. Then, we conduct a comprehensive Health Assessment up front, during the <br />intake encounter, whereby a thorough history and physical examination is performed, vital signs are <br />recorded, and the inmate's medical history is obtained, all of which is documented in TechCare®. <br />Our system also streamlines the Jail's mental health program by focusing on early recognition and <br />intervention. By devoting more attention to critical mental health needs, we stabilize your mental health <br />and medical population quickly, allowing us to reduce suicide risks and improve the overall stability of your <br />incarcerated population. Care is improved, grievances and movement within the Jail is reduced, and the <br />probability of legal complications is minimized. NaphCare's proactive strategy works to identify, assess, and <br />treat a detainee with mental illness as quickly as possible, and when necessary, in collaboration with the PET <br />Team, Anaheim Global, and/or an appropriate provider. <br />Inmate Medical Services <br />City of Santa Ana <br />25F-87 <br />RFP No. 17-051 <br />88 <br />