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that receive a focus for services under WIOA, such as individuals with disabilities, low-income <br />individuals, basic skills deficient youth, and English language learners. <br />BUY AMERICAN PROVISION <br />Each Party that receives funds made available under title I or II of WIOA or under the Wagner- <br />Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. Section 49, et. seq.) certifies that it will comply with Sections 8301 <br />through 8303 of title 41 of the United States Code (commonly known as the "Buy American <br />Act.") and as referenced in WIOA Section 502 and 20 CFR 683.200(f). <br />SALARY COMPENSATION AND BONUS LIMITATIONS <br />Each Party certifies that, when operating grants funded by the U.S. Department of Labor, it <br />complies with TEGL 05-06, Implementing the Salary and Bonus Limitations in Public Law 109- <br />234, TEGL 17-15, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult, Dislocated <br />Worker and Youth Activities Program Allotments for Program Year (PY) 2017; Final PY 2017 <br />Allotments for the Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service (ES) Program Allotments; and <br />Workforce Information Grants to States Allotments for PY 2017, Public Laws 114-113 (Division <br />H, title I, Section 105) and 114-223, and WIOA section 194(15)(A), restricting the use of federal <br />grant funds for compensation and bonuses of an individual, whether charged to either direct or <br />indirect, at a rate in excess of the Federal Office of Personnel Management Executive Level II. <br />TERMINATION <br />This MOU will remain in effect until the end date specified in the Effective Period section <br />below, unless: <br />All Parties mutually agree to terminate this MOU prior to the end date. <br />Federal oversight agencies charged with the administration of WIOA are unable to <br />appropriate funds or if funds are not otherwise made available for continued performance <br />for any fiscal period of this MOU succeeding the first fiscal period. Any party unable to <br />perform pursuant to MOU due to lack of funding shall notify the other Parties as soon as <br />the party has knowledge that funds may be unavailable for the continuation of activities <br />under this MOU; <br />• WIOA is repealed or superseded by subsequent federal law; <br />• Local area designation is changed under WIOA; <br />A party breaches any provision of this MOU and such breach is not cured within thirty <br />(30) days after receiving written notice from the Local BOARD Chair (or designee) <br />specifying such breach in reasonable detail. hl such event, the non -breaching party(s) <br />shall have the right to terminate this MOU by giving written notice thereof to the party in <br />breach, upon which termination will go into effect immediately. <br />In the event of termination, the Parties to the MOU must convene within thirty (30) days after the <br />breach of the MOU to discuss the formation of the successor MOU. At that time, allocated costs <br />must be addressed. <br />10 <br />