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COST ALLOCATION METHODOLOGY <br />Cost allocation is the process of assigning to two or more programs the costs of an item shared <br />by the programs. The goal is to ensure that each program bears its fair share, and only its fair <br />share, of the total cost of the item. A cost allocation plan is a written account of the methods <br />used to allocate costs to the programs occupying the AJCC's. <br />The requirement to allocate the costs of shared resources can be met by using logical and rational <br />methods to ensure that each program is paying only its fair share of the cost of an item used in <br />common, and that no program is subsidizing another. Generally, the methods used to allocate a <br />shared cost should be the simplest, most straightforward way of allocating this type of cost fairly. <br />Complex, highly detailed methods should be avoided when a simple one will achieve the <br />objective. Methods, rules or formulas that use percentages or fractions of cost items are <br />acceptable. Accordingly, shared costs will be based upon the square footage occupied in the <br />AJCC. <br />COMPREHENSIVE AJCC <br />Santa Ana W/O/R/IC CENTER <br />1000 E. Santa Ana Blvd., Suite 200 & Suite 220 <br />Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />AJCC Partners Co -located at the AJCC: <br />Location of all partners is detailed in AJCC Partner's Location (Attachment 1). <br />INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDING AGREEMENT <br />The Infrastructure Funding Agreement (IFA) contains the infrastructure costs budget that is an <br />integral component of the overall AJCC operating budget. The other component of the AJCC <br />operating budget consists of applicable career services, shared operating costs, and shared <br />services, which are considered additional costs. While each of these components covers different <br />cost categories, an operating budget would be incomplete if any of these cost categories were <br />omitted, as all components are necessary to maintain a fully functioning and successful local <br />AJCC delivery system. Therefore, the Local Boards, and AJCC partners negotiate the IFA, along <br />with additional costs when developing the operating budget for the local AJCC system. The <br />overall AJCC operating budget is included in this MOU Phase 1I (Attachment 3). IFAs are a <br />mandatory component of the local MOU, described in WIOA sec. 121(c) and 20 CFR 678.500 <br />and 678.755. Similar to MOUS, the Local Board may negotiate an umbrella IFA or individual <br />IFAS for one or more of its AJCC. <br />AJCC infrastructure costs are defined as non -personnel costs that are necessary for the general <br />operation of the American Job Center, including, but not limited to: <br />• Rental of the facilities; <br />• Utilities and maintenance; <br />• Equipment, including assessment -related products and assistive technology for <br />individuals with disabilities; and <br />• Technology to facilitate access to the American Job Center, including technology used <br />for the center's planning and outreach activities. <br />12 <br />