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Meta Housing Corporation and City of Santa Ana <br />16-AHSC»11200 <br />Page 12 of 13 <br />REPORTING REgU1REMEMI'S <br />3& Reports on California Climate Investments <br />Upon Department's request, Recipient shall provide to the Department any and all necessary data <br />that is required to be reported pursuant to the most recently adopted guidelines for California <br />Climate Investments by the California Air Resources Board. <br />Recipient shall submit, upon request of the Department, a periodic performance report regarding <br />the construction or implementation of the Work. The reports will be filed on forms provided by the <br />Department. <br />Recipient shall submit to the Department periodic reports, as required by the Department, but not <br />less than annually, describing the development, construction and occupancy of the Affordable <br />Housing Development and the housing designated in the Application. The report shall include, <br />but not limited to, information regarding unit affordability and occupancy, construction and <br />permanentfinancing evidenced by commitment letters, and a construction and completion <br />schedule demonstrating compliance with this Agreement and the Guidelines, The reports will be <br />riled on forms provided by the Department. <br />41. Updated Inforrynat€on <br />Recipient shall provide the Department updated documentation for any substantial change in the <br />Information previously provided relating to the Work and the conditions described above, <br />42. Monitoring Requirements <br />The Program may perform program and/or fiscal monitoring of the Grant. The Recipient agrees <br />to cooperate with any such monitoring and provide reasonable access to all Work files, records, <br />documents and other information to employees or representatives of the Department, The <br />Recipient shall resolve any monitoring findings to the Program's satisfaction by the deadlines set <br />by the Department, <br />REPAYMENT OF GRANT FUNDS <br />43. Breach of this Apireement <br />In the event of a breach or violation by the Recipient of any of the provisions of this Agreement, <br />including without limitation, the times for commencement and completion of the construction of <br />the Affordable Housing Development and the housing designated in the Application as set forth <br />in Paragraph I.B. of this Exhibit D, the Department may give written notice to the Recipient to <br />cure the breach or violation within a period of not less than 30 days. If the breach or violation is <br />AHSC — Round II - Grant <br />NOFA Date: 01/29116 <br />Approved Date: 03/16117 <br />Prep. Date: 07/20/17 <br />