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Document Evaluation of and Recommendations Regarding Current Practices - Provide the <br />relevant sections of a draft confidential white paper to City Manager's office documenting strengths, <br />weaknesses, and any recommended changes to current City practices. Once City Manager's office <br />has reviewed this document, we will facilitate a discussion of the findings and recommendations. <br />Assume one comprehensive round of review and edit to the draft report. <br />Approach #2: <br />In this option, NBS will take the a more detailed approach to this evaluation than is noted in Approach <br />#1, and will include additional tasks such as: developing a financial plan and preliminary per parcel <br />cost estimates, for a potentially new dedicated funding source. NBS will perform the following <br />subtasks for the Federal Clean Water Enterprise evaluation, if the City chooses this approach: <br />Conduct an Orientation Meeting with City Staff - Consultants will participate in a meeting with <br />City staff to discuss in detail, staffs pre -identified issues to be addressed through the course of <br />these services and NBS' initial observations. At this session, initial subsequent steps to continue <br />the review and/or aid City staff work will be identified. <br />Prepare Financial Plan: NBS will prepare a detailed financial plan for the Federal Clean Water <br />Enterprise that will provide the City with a "financial road -map" for the fund. This plan will lay out funding <br />for capital improvements, repair and replacement needs, annual operating expenses, and reserve fund <br />replenishment. We will work with Cfty staff to evaluate the "nexus" between Federal Clean Water <br />Protection Costs and the benefits customers in the Water, Sanitary Sewer and Refuse Collection <br />enterprises receive from this program. <br />The financial plan will detail the enterprises' financial obligations and determine if any costs should be <br />funded with a new funding source. Financial plan deliverables will include: <br />• 10 -year financial projections model. <br />Summary of current and projected net revenue requirements. <br />• Review and recommend reserve fund targets, such as those for O&M and capital <br />replacement. <br />• Projected year-end reserve fund levels. <br />• Calculated debt service coverage ratios (if applicable) <br />Develop Preliminary Per Parcel Cost Estimates: NBS will develop preliminary estimates of the <br />per parcel cost to fund the City's Federal Clean Water Enterprise, through a new dedicated funding <br />source. We will evaluate two options for the City's consideration for funding the facilities: either a <br />property -related fee or a special tax. The fees developed in this analysis will be preliminary <br />estimates of the annual cost to property owners and will be based on property type2 (that is, <br />single-family, multi -family, commercial, etc.). We will provide a discussion of the of the relative <br />merits (pros and cons) of the various methods available for funding the City's drainage facilities, <br />and our recommendation on what method best meets the City's needs. <br />Prepare a Technical Memorandum: NBS will prepare a technical memorandum for review by City <br />Staff that summarizes our findings and recommendations for the financial plan and funding <br />Y This analysis will not develop a fee based on impervious surface area, orrunoff factors. if the City decides <br />to proceed with implementing a new funding source for the Federal Clean Water Enterprise, a more detailed <br />analysis will need to be conducted at that time which can include an evaluation of a fee based on impervious <br />surface area and other factors, pending the availability (or development) of the required data. <br />�ILN City of Santa Ana <br />RFP No. 17-081 Comprehensive Proposition 218 Fees and Charges Compliance Assessment 12 <br />25A-28 <br />