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Reference #2: <br />Customer Name: City of Victorville <br />Contact Individual: Doug Matthews, Director of Public Works and Water <br />Address: 14343 Civic Drive, Victorville, CA 92393 <br />Phone Number: (760) 243-6332 <br />Facsimile Number: Not Available <br />Email: <br />Contract Amount: $200,000 <br />Year: 2015 to Present <br />Brief description of scope or services provided: Water Rate Study, Sewer and Recycled Water <br />Rate and Capacity Fee Study, Storm Drain Feasibility Study <br />In 2016, NBS completed a Water Rate Study, for the City of Victorville. The main concerns <br />addressed in the water rate study include developing a capital funding plan that includes over $55 <br />million in rehabilitation and replacement projects, updating the water rate structure to one based on <br />Industry standards, that transitions from a consumption -based fixed charge to one that is based on <br />meter size, and developed drought rates. A key part of this Study was working with the Board of <br />Directors in several workshops where they reviewed rate alternatives and provided <br />recommendations on the development of new water rates, and ultimately gaining their support to <br />adopt new water rates and fully -fund the needs of the utility. <br />Earlier this year, NBS completed a Storm Drain Feasibility Study to evaluate the City's costs related <br />to its storm drain program and provide funding options, based on the specific costs that need to be <br />funded and the City's unique needs. The ultimate recommendation of this study is to implement a <br />special tax to supplement existing funding for the program. <br />In addition, NBS is in the process of completing a Sewer and Recycled Water Rate and Capacity <br />Fee Study for the City of Victorville. Main issues that are being addressed in this study are <br />developing capital funding plan that includes over $37 million in rehabilitation and replacement <br />projects and updating the sewer rate structure to incorporate a volumetric component to <br />commercial sewer rates. Other issues include developing rates for the City -owned industrial <br />wastewater treatment plant, including pretreatment program charges. <br />ON®�v- City of Santa Ana <br />G�9977 RFP No, 17-081 Comprehensive Proposition 218 Fees and Charges Compliance Assessment 24 <br />25A-40 <br />