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Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
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Last modified
10/12/2017 8:21:34 PM
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10/12/2017 8:12:08 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Planning & Building
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State Board of Equalization conducts a review or audit of Auto Mall's Required Operations or <br />Sales Tax payments during the Operating Period that results in an increase of Sales Tax that <br />Auto Mall must pay for one or more Contract Years, or in the event that Auto Mall amends any <br />sales tax returns that causes an increase in the Sales Tax due for one of more Contract Years, <br />Auto Mall shall inform the City and the City shall commensurately increase the Loan Repayment <br />credited to Auto Mall. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the termination of this <br />Agreement. <br /> The parties acknowledge that certain payments of Sales <br />Tax received by City may be based on estimates and that such amounts will be periodically <br />reduced or increased by the State Board of Equalization to reflect the actual amount of Sales Tax <br />owed to City. The Loan Repayments shall be adjusted accordingly as necessary to conform to <br />such reconciliations. The adjustment shall be made within sixty (60) days through any necessary <br />recalculation. Within thirty (30) days of a written request by Auto Mall, the City shall provide Auto <br />Mall with documentation to substantiate the adjustment of the Loan Repayment(s). <br /> Within ninety (90) days following the end of each Contract <br />Year, the City may conduct an accounting of all of Auto Mall's Sales Tax Reports and Sales Tax <br />payments during the immediately preceding Contract Year, and the amount of the Loan <br />Repayments applied to Auto Mall during that immediately preceding calendar year. However, the <br />City may also conduct such an accounting at any time by giving thirty (30) days written notice in <br />the event that facts or circumstances arise, such as change in operations, change of ownership <br />or business entity status, which can impact the method or amount of Auto Mall's Sales Tax <br />Reporting or Payments. The City shall provide Auto Mall a copy of that accounting and <br />reconciliation upon its completion. In the event that the accounting and reconciliation identifies a <br />disparity between the Required Operations, Auto Mall's Sales Tax payments, or Loan <br />Repayments during that immediately preceding calendar year, appropriate adjustments shall be <br />made within sixty (60) days. <br />2.2.3 No Acceleration. It is acknowledged by the parties that any Loan <br />Repayments by City provided for in this Agreement may only be applied for those periods in which <br />City receives the performance of Auto Mall pursuant to this Agreement. Therefore, the failure of <br />City to apply any Loan Repayments or the failure by City to perform any of its other obligations <br />hereunder shall not cause the acceleration of any anticipated future Loan Repayments by City. <br />2.3 Conditions Precedent to City's Obligations. City's obligation to perform hereunder, <br />including without limitation its obligation to apply the Loan Repayment pursuant to Section 2.1 of <br />this Agreement, shall be contingent and conditional upon Auto Mall's full and satisfactory <br />performance of its obligations set forth in this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any <br />delay by Auto Mall in sending reports or other information to the City, or the existence of <br />inadvertent errors in reports or information sent by Auto Mall to the City, shall not constitute either <br />a breach of this Agreement or a waiver of Auto Mall's right to receive credit for the Loan <br />Repayments under this Agreement. However, such delay or error by Auto Mall may result in a <br />delay in the City s calculation of Loan Repayments to the extent that such delay or error by Auto <br />Mall causes the City to be unable to meet its obligations on a timely basis. <br />2.4 Disclosure of Payments. Auto Mall agrees that the calculation of Loan <br />Repayments and the amounts thereof do not constitute a violation of Revenue and Taxation Code <br />Section 7056 or any other provision of law pertaining to the disclosure of sales tax information, <br />shall be a matter of public record, may be disclosed to any person, and may be included on the <br />75A525 <br />
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