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locations, SCAQMD has developed localized significance thresholds (LSTs) that are based on the pounds <br />of emissions per day that can be generated by a project without causing or contributing to adverse <br />localized air quality impacts. Furthermore, as the project is expected to result in an increase in vehicle <br />trips over existing conditions, a localized carbon monoxide hotspots analysis at nearby study intersections <br />will also be assessed qualitatively. The analysis will identify appropriate mitigation measures to minimize <br />air quality impacts, if necessary. <br />Air Toxic Health Risk Assessment. This technical study is included based upon recommendations <br />from the California Air Resources Board (ARB) to avoid siting sensitive land uses in close proximity to <br />freeways, high volume roadways, or rail lines/rail yards. The ARB notes that the strongest association of <br />adverse health outcomes is generally seen within 500 feet of freeways. Notwithstanding, the ARE notes <br />that a site -specific analysis would be required to determine the actual risk near a particular land use and <br />should consider factors such as prevailing wind direction, local topography and climate. <br />Since the project site is in close proximity (approximately 500 feet) to the I-5 freeway, it is prudent to <br />prepare a Health Risk Assessment (HRA) as recommended by the SCAQMD. The focus of the BRA will <br />be on diesel particulate matter (DPM) and associated impacts to future residents. The study will be <br />conducted per methodologies by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality <br />Planning and Standards, and the California Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Environmental <br />Health Hazard Assessment. If necessary, the HRA will identify mitigation measures and/or project design <br />features to maintain a less than significant health impact. <br />Greenhouse Gas Technical Study. The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) technical study will evaluate the <br />impacts associated with the project's generation of GHG emissions during construction and operations. <br />The assessment will include a discussion of climate change, including the current state of climate change <br />science and GHG emissions sources in California, and an overview of the applicable federal, state, and <br />local policies and regulations, including the City of Santa Ana Climate Action Plan. GHG emissions <br />attributable to the project will be estimated for the following sources: construction, area sources, mobile <br />sources, electricity consumption, and water consumption. Construction- and operations -related GHG <br />emissions will be quantified using the most recent version of the CalEEMod computer model. <br />Since the City has not adopted a threshold of significance that would be applicable, the analysis will <br />evaluate the project's emissions in the context of the latest guidance from the California Attorney <br />General's Office, the Office of Planning and Research (OPR), the SCAQMD, and CARE. In addition, <br />GHG emissions will also be discussed with respect to the goals and recommended actions of the state's <br />Cli mate Change Souping Plan, the City's Climate Action Plan, and other applicable regulations. <br />Mitigation measures to reduce GHG emissions, if necessary, will be provided. <br />Noise and Vibration Technical Study. Implementation of the proposed project could result in an <br />increase in noise levels in the areas surrounding the site during construction as well as during operation of <br />the project. Additionally, potential vibration impacts on surrounding land uses may occur during <br />construction from operation of heavy-duty construction equipment. Urban Crossroads will prepare a <br />technical study to evaluate the potential construction and operational noise as well as construction <br />vibration impacts on the nearby sensitive uses resulting from development of the proposed project and <br />recommend measures to minimize identified noise impacts on these receptors. The primary focus of the <br />analysis will be to determine whether construction and operation of the project would exceed the <br />applicable noise and vibration standards or policies established in the City's General Plan and Noise <br />fir" i! - <br />RE Consulting <br /> <br />