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shall be governed in accordance with regulations pertaining to the use of public <br />meeting rooms at City facilities. <br />C. Solicitations of membership and all activities concerned with the internal <br />management of the Union, such as collecting dues, holding membership <br />meetings, preparation of petitions, preparation of proposals, campaigning for <br />office, conducting elections and distributing literature, shall not be conducted <br />during working hours. <br />D. Officers and employees may perform those duties assigned to them by the <br />Union, but in no event shall they have the right to interfere with the <br />performance of work of any other employee or interfere with City operations <br />or to call a strike, slowdown, work stoppage, sympathy strike or take any <br />economic action against the City. <br />18.3 Release Time for Employee Representatives. <br />A. In the event that the Union is formally meeting and conferring with <br />representatives of the City on matters within the scope of representation <br />during regular City business hours, a reasonable number of officers, employee <br />representatives or other officials of the Union shall be allowed reasonable time <br />off without loss of compensation or other benefits. <br />B. Such officers and employee representatives shall not leave their duty or work <br />station or assignment without the prior knowledge of their supervisor or such <br />supervisor's supervisor. <br />C. Such meetings are subject to scheduling in a manner consistent with City <br />operating needs and work schedules. <br />18.4 Use of Bulletin Boards. Space shall be made available to the Union on the City's <br />existing employee bulletin boards for the purpose of posting notices pertaining to <br />Union business, subject to the following conditions: <br />A. Materials posted by the Union shall not include campaign material on <br />municipal election matters, including elections for City Council, other City <br />positions, or other municipal political matters. <br />B. Material posted shall not be derogatory to the City, City employees or other <br />employee organizations. <br />43 <br />25K-47 <br />