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ARTICLE XXIII <br />23.0 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS <br />23.1 The City agrees to provide a list each month to the Union with names and class <br />titles of bargaining unit employees who have separated from City service, and the <br />names and class titles of bargaining unit employees who have been hired. The <br />Union agrees to pay the City's cost of producing said list(s). A complete list of <br />bargaining unit employees and their addresses will be provided to the Union once <br />every fiscal year. <br />23.2 The City agrees to distribute Union membership pamphlets to bargaining unit <br />employees at the new employee orientation sessions conducted by the City. <br />23.3 Catastrophic Leave Donation In order to assist employees otherwise granted <br />leave of absence without pay by the City Manager because of a catastrophic <br />medical condition or injury, the City and Union agree to implement a Catastrophic <br />Leave Donation Program. <br />Nothing herein shall be construed to alter City policies and procedures as <br />provided in the Charter or ordinances of the City of Santa Ana or other provisions <br />of this Agreement with regard to granting unpaid leaves of absence. <br />For the purposes of implementing this program, "Catastrophic' condition shall <br />mean any significant personal tragedy such as life-threatening illness or severe <br />non -industrial illness or injury of duration of more than two (2) weeks which <br />requires the employee to need personal time off beyond the amount of leave time <br />he/she has accrued. Maternity leave or elective surgery, absent significant <br />unplanned complication preventing the employee's return to work, is not <br />considered catastrophic. <br />The Catastrophic Leave benefit will be provided for non -industrial injury or <br />sickness only. The leave shall cover the uncompensated time prior to the <br />employee's becoming eligible for the Long Term Disability benefits. <br />A. Guidelines. It shall be understood that all donations under this procedure are <br />voluntary and subject to taxation for the recipient. <br />1. Employees may donate vacation, compensatory time, or one (1) in lieu <br />holiday to the eligible employee. In no event shall sick leave be donated. <br />52 <br />25K-56 <br />