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LAND USE ELEMENT <br />LAND USE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION <br />To effectively achieve the broad range of goals outlined for the City's future <br />growth and development, a variety of plans, programs, and regulations, must be <br />relied upon. This section of the Element discusses these toots, and how they <br />correlate with implementation of the City's land use goals. <br />DEVELOPMENT INTENSITY STANDARDS <br />Table A -I summarizes the development intensity standard for each of the General <br />Plan designations, and provides land use distribution by acreage for the land use. <br />The intensity standards for the categories permitting residential development are <br />expressed in density, measured in "units per acre," or floor area ratio and zoning <br />development standards in the case of certain Mixed Use land use designations. <br />The intensity standards for non-residential development are expressed as "floor <br />area ratio" or FAR The FAR concept is illustrated in ExhibitA-3. The intensity <br />standards in concert with the zoning and development standards regulate the <br />massing, form and building size. <br />Table A-1 <br />du - dwelling unit, FAR - Roor area ratio <br />Residential developmeta is not a permitted us a. <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA GENERAL PLAN <br />75A-59 <br />A-11 <br />