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Kimley> Horn EXHIBIT A <br />Warner Avenue Street Improvements 1/10/2018 <br />Scope of Services <br />The tasks below are intended to supplement and clarify the scope items in the RFP, to <br />demonstrate phases of our services, tasks, and deliverables to be completed. Additional items <br />that may be required to complete the scope of services are described at the end of this section <br />under the heading Optional Items. Design plans and reports indicated will follow the City's <br />standard format, unless indicated otherwise. A drawing list indicating anticipated sheet count is <br />included with our fee in the separate sealed envelope. We understand that the City intends to <br />have two PS&E packages for the Warner Avenue improvements from Oak Street to Grand <br />Avenue and from Grand Avenue to Wright Street. This has been reflected on our sheet count. <br />We have reviewed City's provided surveying data and we don't anticipate a need for additional <br />surveying at this time. However, we may require a field surveying at the completion of Right -of - <br />Way acquisition and building demolition to match proposed improvements to lines and grades.. <br />We assume a 22 -month schedule for design beginning January 2018 with design services <br />completed by October 2019. Our proposed schedule is provided at the end of this section. <br />Task 1: Project Management and Coordination <br />Kimley-Horn team members will attend an initial kick-off meeting to confirm project elements, <br />objectives, scope, and schedule; and attend monthly PDT coordination meetings with the City. <br />We will document significant items of discussion and decisions made during these meetings and <br />forward to the City's Project Manager. This encompasses review and comments in response to <br />the City's staff ideas. We will conduct meetings and conference calls and provide pertinent <br />meeting minutes with action items and will prepare monthly progress reports, as part of the <br />invoice package. This will also entail phone and email communications. We anticipate the <br />following meetings: <br />• One Kickoff Meeting <br />• PDT Focus Meetings <br />As part of this task, a Gantt Chart format Target Schedule will be provided showing primary <br />tasks and review periods/processing, as agreed with the City. Kimley-Horn will maintain a <br />Progress Schedule showing actual progress versus target and provide to the City on a monthly <br />basis. <br />Deliverables: Meeting agendas, meeting minutes, action items, progress reports, invoicing, draft <br />target schedu/e, monthly updated schedule <br />Task 2: Record Research and Utility Coordination <br />Kimley-Horn will obtain readily available record drawings and data pertinent to the scope of <br />services, such as GIS mapping, as -built plans, and utility atlases. We will initiate the utility <br />notification process early in the design stages and identify potential conflicts. We will maintain a <br />utility agency tracking list to indicate the status of communication and add a contact list for <br />substructure and utility owner -operators that will also carry over to the specifications. We will <br />assist the City with utility notification letters consisting of the following: <br />1. Utility Information Request <br />2. Prepare to Relocate Notice/Final Utility Notice Form <br />3. Notice to Relocate <br />These letters will notify the utility agency of the Project, describe anticipated impacts and <br />identify action required. We will provide follow-up calls to non-responsive agencies and <br />generate a utility disposition matrix to serve as documentation and aid in tracking this task. We <br />assume that utility notices will be on the City's letterhead. <br />I I P a g e <br />25F-13 <br />