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Kimley>Morn <br />Warner Avenue Street Improvements <br />1/10/2018 <br />Task 2: Potholing <br />Our team will provide vacuum excavation potholes to positively identify utilities where conflicts <br />may exist. This task entails up to 30 potholes with a depth of up to 15 feet. Potholing information <br />will be used to identify potential conflicts with traffic signal footings, new catch basins, wall <br />footings, and water quality devices. Additional potholes, if needed, will be an optional item per <br />each pothole. We assume traffic control for potholing will be based on WATCH manual. <br />Preparation of traffic control plans is excluded for this task. <br />Deliverables: Potholing report <br />Task 3: Utility Undergrounding <br />Utility Agency Coordination: Kimley-Horn will conduct utility agency coordination to accomplish <br />the undergrounding tasks for overhead power and communication lines. This entails providing <br />notification letters, meetings with each utility agency to establish initial contact and project <br />parameters, and subsequently coordinating with each of the four utility companies to complete <br />the design process. We anticipate utility undergrounding coordination for SCE, AT&T, MCI <br />Socal, and LVL 3 Communications agencies. <br />Utility Plan Review and Comments: Kimley-Horn will review and comment on utility design plans <br />provided by the utility companies. Plan review will consider routes; conflicts with other utilities; <br />impacts to existing and proposed improvements; and potential easements. We anticipate up to <br />three rounds of comments per utility agency. Utility easement work is excluded from this task. <br />Composite Utility Plans: Kimley-Horn will produce Composite Utility Plans showing plan view <br />with anticipated locations of each utility to be undergrounded. Plans will be prepared at scale of <br />1" = 20' and will encompass project limits from Wright Avenue to Oak Street. We will use <br />available project base mapping from our utility coordination task and surveying provided by the <br />City to show existing topography including existing poles and other existing underground utilities <br />according to field surveys and readily available records. We will show anticipated downwire <br />locations, poles to be removed, proposed conduit and structures, as designed by the utility <br />companies. We assume the City and the utility companies will be providing their design CAD file <br />with every submittal to Kimley-Horn for updating of the Composite Utility Plans. <br />Proiect Management: Kimley-Horn will provide project management to accomplish the utility <br />undergrounding task stated above. This entails attending a kick-off meeting and up to three <br />coordination meetings with City staff and utility companies (total of four meetings) and providing <br />necessary meeting minutes and documentation. <br />Deliverables r Composite utility plans (PDF format and Microstation V81) <br />91 Page <br />25F-21 <br />