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provide follow-up feedback to walking audit partici- <br />pants within 2 months of conducting the audit, so <br />they continue to stay engaged and understand <br />how they can support proposed improvements. A <br />general schedule for walking audit review would <br />be as follows, ensuring that the recommendations <br />from each audit reach the school stakeholders <br />within 8 weeks. <br />Within 3 weeks of conducting each walking <br />audit, an Internal Draft Technical Memo and <br />conceptual improvement plan is completed <br />and submitted to City <br />City Review (approx. 2 weeks) <br />Public Draft Technical Memo and conceptual <br />improvement plan are completed and distrib- <br />uted to school stakeholders (2 weeks) <br />We will maintain a master database of all site <br />assessments conducted for the project program, <br />including date of walking audit and date of concept <br />improvement plan. The City and school districts <br />can use this database to track future grant pursuits <br />and project implementation. <br />La Escuela Elemental Brooks <br />to invita a particiapar en la )) <br />Inspeccidn de las Rutas Seguras <br />Para it a Ia;Escuela - Caminando y <br />Aen Bicicleta <br />Martes, 12 de Noviembre 8:25 -10:25 a.m. <br />xM�ema an,.,a Ye1f oru�m �W_ 4R10 1 <br />[rm„yo,a��,oao,eva::mt6mrnaaaon�a. <br />oY,me <br />am WeenJ,tlsJnreiHi+deY Brcala <br />B,oYNl Ebmtn,ary <br />4 IMary nJ d tla y, <br />Y YN <br />19 9 l I,rot nJ 0 y mefoYe4 <br />Vfl tl CC,9`99^ <br />C-11u <br />y l l a dwaa I <br />ilpa pva y tler Y I Ilfipr. <br />ere mi Ire bl f I , al [ I <br />, <br />dela aswvin pose twlmlp�nlTas <br />anlmar a,n68 ninas i Ir caminandd, <br />a mmp.nidYala esmel8� <br />xy�.mmeYa,maw,maaomdaam,„noa,ver,aow„ta�twdnoat, mn. <br />,tY �,.vamwaeN,l n v o.l vme .law iw ei,v !9 �^^,hil� <br />ra dm avn,nw, i' ua nam a snd w xnY i' a. y . <br />ws , maml.... w.Y,d _ <br />I <br />ON <br />TASK 2.7. ONGOING OUTREACH AND <br />COMMUNITY MEETINGS <br />In addition to the 43 meetings or events at elemen- <br />tary schools and targeted outreach activities for <br />intermediate and high schools, Alta will conduct <br />two (2) citywide community meetings; the first will <br />occur at the beginning of the project, and a second <br />meeting will take place after development of the <br />draft SRTS Plan. It is suggested that meetings <br />take place during established community festivals <br />or high -traffic events to elicit input from those who <br />would not necessarily attend meetings. Informal <br />events such as the annual Cinco de Mayo Festival <br />represent great opportunities to interact face-to- <br />face with families to build awareness of the SRTS <br />Plan, and get input and feedback on improvements. <br />Our team proposes the following be included in <br />each meeting: <br />Meeting #1: <br />Introduce the SRTS planning project, identify <br />community -wide goals and objectives, and <br />solicit general suggestions from stakeholders <br />Present baseline data and improvement <br />benchmarks <br />Alta is experienced in creating a range of meeting materials, including meeting notifications, e-blasts, handouts, sign -in shoots, <br />comment cards, and directional signage. - <br />WE <br />