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Alta will develop a demonstration project at one of ilia <br />suggested priority school locations or along a suggested <br />priority SRTS corridor, and will Integrate many of the proven <br />strategies that we gained from our experience leading the <br />most recent round of SCAG Go Human Tactical Urbanism <br />events. <br />their existing Go Human demonstration materials. <br />Other demonstration materials, such as vegeta- <br />tion, can be solicited from local businesses and <br />organizations. <br />On -site surveys will be collected from people <br />walking or bicycling with the aid of a temporary <br />installation of clipboards and a box to collect paper <br />surveys. Temporary signage will also inform pass- <br />ersby of the demonstration project and solicit infor- <br />mation through an easily remembered website <br />address to allow drivers and other users passing <br />by the project, but unable to stop, to contribute <br />feedback. <br />Most importantly, any temporary designs must <br />meet safety criteria for a temporary street element, <br />and we will work closely with City engineers to <br />identify ways to protect the safety of all road users <br />and reduce liability for both the City and our team. <br />Task 2 Deliverables: <br />Walking Audit notices <br />Walking Audits at every participating school <br />Participant lists <br />Audit photographs <br />Geodatabase and AutoCAD file of infrastructure <br />issues and recommended improvements <br />. Traffic counts near schools <br />• Technical memorandum summarizing data <br />collected <br />. Community Outreach Plan <br />• Multi-lingual marketing materials such as <br />presentations, photos, social media postings, <br />and flyers <br />• One presentation slide deck for PDT use <br />• Meeting agendas and notes <br />• Participant evaluation forms <br />• One (1) school focused pop-up demonstration <br />project <br />Task 3: GIS Mapping <br />TASK 3.1. PREPARE SUGGESTED ROUTE TO <br />SCHOOL MAPS <br />Based on GIB data and input received during the <br />site assessments, Alta will develop Suggested <br />Route to School maps for each school that focus <br />on key corridors near schools for students to walk, <br />bike, and access transit. Suggested Route to <br />School maps can be an effective tool in identifying <br />preferred routes to school for walking and bicycling <br />based on existing infrastructure like sidewalks <br />and bike lanes, or traffic controls/crossing guards <br />for crossing streets. Suggested Route maps are <br />user maps, intended to be used as a wayfinding, <br />encouragement, and outreach tool, and generally <br />developed at the scale of an entire enrollment area <br />for elementary schools, and at a 1-3 mile radius for <br />middle and high schools. <br />Suggested Route maps differ from Walking Audit <br />Conceptual Improvement maps in that they are <br />based on existing infrastructure condition, and <br />they can also be used to prioritize infrastructure <br />investments on key school routes. As infrastruc- <br />ture improvements are made, the suggested <br />routes maps should be updated to reflect new <br />route information, <br />The maps will show recommended walking and <br />bicycling routes to school for the school enrollment <br />areas (for elementary schools), and a 1-2 mile <br />radius for middle and high schools. Suggested <br />routes will be designated using arrows or high- <br />lighted corridors, and we will show average walking <br />and bicycling times from select locations. Maps <br />will include: <br />School boundary <br />Suggested walking and biking routes (using <br />arrows or highlighted corridors) <br />12 <br />