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Task 4: Safe Routes to School <br />Corridors <br />TASK 4.1. DEVELOP SRTS CORRIDOR <br />PRIORITIES AND MAPS <br />Once recommendations have been developed <br />for all schools, Alta will identify suggested Safe <br />Routes to School Corridors that link multiple <br />school sites together. These corridors will provide <br />opportunities to package together smaller project <br />improvements into larger corridor or system -wide <br />projects that can be prioritized and can more effec- <br />tively compete for grant funding. Identified SRTS <br />Corridors will link back to the Suggested Route <br />Maps and will identify projects with the greatest <br />potential for safety and mobility benefit. Alta will <br />develop recommended prioritization criteria based <br />on community and PDT input as well as best prac- <br />tices from other similar communities, The criteria <br />will be used to systematically evaluate and priori- <br />tize projects based on potential to improve local <br />conditions for safe walking and bicycling to school <br />while also addressing regional connectivity and <br />travel patterns. The criteria may include consider- <br />ations such as ability to address safety concerns, <br />community priorities, gap closures, connectivity <br />to additional destinations beyond the school such <br />as community centers and parks, and potential <br />to address transportation challenges for under - <br />served populations. The recommended criteria <br />and measures will be provided to City staff and the, <br />PDT for review and approval. <br />Alta will utilize the performance criteria and <br />measures to develop a citywide priority project list <br />based on the needs assessment, public and stake- <br />holder input, and funding feasibility. The SRTS <br />Corridor List will include cost estimates per project <br />and per corridor. Alta will map the citywide SRTS <br />corridors illustrating priority improvement areas. <br />Cost estimates will be derived from the costs <br />developed in the Conceptual Improvement Plans <br />in Task 2. <br />Task 4 Deliverables: <br />• Safe Routes to School Corridor Maps <br />• Priority Project List <br />Task 5: Citywide Safe Routes to <br />School Plan <br />Alta will develop a Draft SRTS Plan, which will <br />include input from stakeholders and community <br />members and the list of recommendations and <br />priorities developed in the preceding tasks, which <br />will position Santa Ana, along with its partnerschool <br />districts, to apply for future grant funding from local, <br />state, and federal sources. The Draft SRTS Plan <br />will be based on the "Six E's" of SRTS planning <br />(i.e., Engineering, Education, Encouragement, <br />Enforcement, Evaluation, and Equity). <br />Becoming a truly bike- and walk -friendly city <br />requires a multi -faceted approach, including strate- <br />gies beyond traditional engineering and infrastruc- <br />ture projects. Alta will update or develop Education, <br />The photosimulatlon above demonstrates possible .safety enhancements at Sepulveda Elementary School, including curb <br />extensions and high visibility crosswalks. Photosimulations can be used in grant applications to communicate how a facility <br />might be used in the local context. <br />m <br />