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EXHIBIT A <br />r <br />PROJECT UNDERSTANDING <br />The City of Santa Ana is taking great strides in <br />promoting walking and bicycling as safe and viable <br />transportation options, evidenced by many recent <br />infrastructure improvements and planning efforts. <br />Building on this momentum, and recognizing that a <br />majority of students already walk or bike to school, <br />the City seeks to develop a citywide Safe Routes <br />to School (SRTS) Plan. This effort will involve an <br />extensive and inclusive community engagement <br />process, identification and prioritization of school <br />infrastructure improvements, and the development <br />of programs and strategies to better educate and <br />encourage students to walk and bike to school, <br />The result will be a comprehensive 6 E's SRTS <br />Plan that will lead to improved safety and mobility <br />for all Santa Ana residents, especially the commu- <br />nity's students and youth, through engineering, <br />education, encouragement, and enforcement <br />recommendations. <br />Santa Ana has many wide streets with high traffic <br />volumes and speeds, often with narrow or no bike <br />lanes, gaps and barriers in the sidewalk network, <br />and crossing challenges. Increasing rates of bicy- <br />clist and pedestrian -involved collisions indicate a <br />clear need to focus on safety for residents walking <br />or riding a bicycle, particularly for children --an <br />especially vulnerable category of roadway users. <br />Walking audits at all the schools will result in a list <br />of infrastructure improvements to enhance safety <br />Households Speaking <br />Non -English languages <br />in Santa Ana <br />SNJ' <br />O UIYUu <br />3G%-47% <br />5' <br />= Public Sch <br />Mkl <br />--Santa Anp River Trall <br />Santa Ana has a large population of non-English speakers. <br />Alta understands the unique needs of multi-lingual <br />communities, and has developed an outreach process that is <br />inclusive, interactive, and productive so that all members of <br />the community have a voice. <br />P <br />within each school area, along with a prioritized <br />set of SRTS corridors linking multiple school sites <br />together. <br />Throughout this process, language and cultural <br />barriers will need to be overcome. Approximately <br />60% of Santa Ana Unified School District students <br />are English learners, with Spanish. Vietnamese, <br />and Khmer the most common non-English <br />languages spoken at home. As such, ensuring <br />that outreach is culturally and linguistically appro- <br />priate will be key to ensuring equitable participa- <br />tion of students and their families. The planning <br />and outreach processes will need to be compre- <br />hensive in order to capture input from differing <br />groups and stakeholders, and adequately address <br />the varying needs and interests of all community <br />members. Our outreach approach, based on our <br />many years of SRTS program engagement in <br />diverse schools, involves direct engagement with <br />each school community to listen to the concerns <br />and input of residents, and develop solutions that <br />they can support and take ownership of to further <br />projects toward implementation. <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />We have developed a comprehensive scope of <br />work based upon our understanding of the City's <br />needs, regional objectives, and our experience <br />successfully completing other Safe Routes to <br />School plans. The scope of work addresses the <br />RFP, includes robust public participation, and <br />features innovative planning and public engage- <br />ment tools. These combined efforts will yield a <br />community -supported Safe Routes to School <br />(SRTS) Plan that aims to both improve safety <br />throughout the city and enhance the quality of life <br />for the City's residents by making bicycling and <br />walking more viable, safe, equitable, and enjoy- <br />able for people of all ages and abilities. <br />Task 1: Project Management <br />TASK 1.1. PROJECT KICK-OFF MEETING <br />Alta will hold a kickoff meeting with City of Santa <br />Ana staff to: <br />Review project goals and objectives <br />Review scope of services <br />Collect available data and published materials <br />Establish meeting schedule <br />Establish communication protocol <br />