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SIEMENS <br />Michael pietsch <br />Enterprise Account Executive <br />Southern California <br />3. Siemens to provide and install six (6) fixed high definition cameras on bathroom structure, Cameras <br />to cover areas of concern that are adjacent to school properties. <br />a. Bleacher area <br />b. Bathroom entrances <br />c. Open areas and sidewalks. <br />4, Cameras shall be mounted to structure, Conduit will be provided where required to protect cabling, <br />5. Saw -cutting and trenching is required for installation. <br />6, Siemens to provide and install one (1) City of Santa Ana Code Blue at playground area (under trees), <br />Significant trenching will be required. <br />a. Marked with "Assistance" and "Assistencia" <br />b. "Help" 911 button that ties directly to SAPD Dispatchers <br />G. "rnfo"courtesy button <br />d. Video camera at eye level to visually see "911"caller <br />e. Video camera (4 sensors) at top with 360 degree view of surrounding area <br />f. PTZ above monument fw video interrogation <br />g. Solid bright blue indicator light to illuminato surrounding area and easily, identify the help point's <br />location <br />It. Flashing bright blue light indicating 911 button has been pushed <br />1. Public address speaker through which SAPD Dispatch can communicate messages to the public <br />j. All help poets are able to sync and address the public simultaneously to warn of an impending or <br />active emergency in the Downtown area. <br />7. Siemens budget includes all licensing and software <br />a. 12 Milestone device lioenses <br />S. Siemens to provide trench, conduit and fill from 110v power source to cameras. Siemens assumes <br />I 10v provided at bathroom structure. <br />9. Siemens to provide all enclosures for network switches and radio equipment. <br />Windsor Park: <br />I. Siemens to provide and install one (1) PTZ camera and one (1) fixed camera, mounted on existing <br />light pole at the tennis courts of park. <br />2. Siemens to provide and install two (2)lP speakers on tennis court pole for one way communication, <br />3. Siemens to provide and install one (1) fixed camera for viewing of east park entrance and resident <br />retaining wall. Camera will be mounted oil existing fence. Surface conduit will be required. <br />4. Siemens to provide and install two (2) fixed cameras at bathrooms. Cameras shall provide viewing of <br />entering and exiting persons but not view interior of bathroom area. <br />5. Siemens to provide and install one (1) City of Santa Ana Code Blue: <br />a. Marked with "Assistance" and "Assistencia" <br />b. "Help" 911 button that ties directly to SAPD Dispatchers <br />a "Info" courtesy button <br />d. Video camera at eye level to visually see "911" caller <br />e. Video camera (4 sensors) at tap with 360 degree view of, surrounding area <br />f. PTZ above monument for video interrogation <br />g. Solid bright blue indicator light to illuminate surrounding area and easily identify the help print's <br />location <br />h. Flashhng bright blue light indicating 911 button has been pushed <br />SOW Page 12 <br />25®-1$ <br />