Order No: 91910077-917-CG8-KRE
<br />
<br />
<br />EXHIBIT “A”
<br />
<br />All that certain real property situated in the County of Orange, State of California, described as follows:
<br />
<br />Parcel 1:
<br />
<br />The Easterly 112.51 feet of the Westerly 437.51 feet of that portion of land allotted to N. O. Stafford and C. Tustin, in the
<br />City of Santa Ana, County of Orange, State of California, as described in the Final Decree of partition of the Rancho
<br />Santiago De Santa Ana, which was entered September 12, 1868 in Book "B" Page 410 of Judgments of the District Court of
<br />the 17th Judicial District, in and for Los Angeles County, California, described as follows:
<br />
<br />Beginning at the intersection of the center lines of First Street and Mc Clay Street, as shown on a Map filed in
<br />Book 47, Page 32 of Record of Surveys, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, California, said point being the
<br />Northwest corner of Section 17, Township 5 South, Range 9 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian;
<br />Thence North 89° 10' 10" East 812.56 feet along the centerline of said First Street to the Northeast corner of land described in
<br />a Deed to Croddy Corporation and others, recorded August 28, 1959 in Book 4860, Page 4 of Official Records;
<br />Thence South 0° 06' 40" East 397.90 feet to the Southeast corner of said land of Croddy Corporation;
<br />Thence South 89° 08' 20" West 812.54 feet along the Southerly line of said land of Croddy Corporation to the centerline of
<br />said Mc Clay Street;
<br />Thence North 0° 06' 48" West 398.34 feet to the point of beginning.
<br />
<br />Excepting therefrom, that portion of the North 71.00 feet as described in the Deed to the City of Santa Ana, recorded April
<br />15, 1960 in Book 5196, Page 381 of Official Records.
<br />
<br />Parcel 2:
<br />
<br />A non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress over the South 25 feet of the Westerly 325 feet of that portion of the land
<br />allotted to N. O. Stafford and C. Tustin, in the City of Santa Ana, County of Orange, State of California, as described in the
<br />final decree of partition of the Rancho Santiago De Santa Ana, which was entered September 12, 1868 in
<br />Book "B", Page 410 of Judgments of the District Court of the 17th Judicial District, in and for Los Angeles County,
<br />California, described as follows:
<br />
<br />Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of First Street and Mc Clay Street, as shown on a Map filed in
<br />Book 47, Page 32 of Record of Surveys, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, California, said point being the
<br />Northwest corner of Section 17, Township 5 South, Range 9 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian;
<br />Thence North 89° 10' 10" East 812.56 feet along the centerline of said First Street to the Northeast corner of land described in
<br />a Deed to Croddy Corporation and others, recorded August 28, 1959 in Book 4860, Page 4 of Official Records;
<br />Thence South 0° 06' 40" East 397.90 feet to the Southeast corner of said land of Croddy Corporation;
<br />Thence South 89° 08' 20" West 812.54 feet along the Southerly line of said land of Croddy Corporation to the centerline of
<br />said Mc Clay Street;
<br />Thence North 0° 06' 48" West 398.34 feet to the point of beginning.
<br />
<br />Parcel 3:
<br />
<br />The Westerly 175.00 feet of the Easterly 375.00 feet of that portion of the land allotted to N. O. Stafford and C. Tustin, in
<br />the City of Santa Ana, County of Orange, State of California, as described in the final decree of partition of the Rancho
<br />Santiago De Santa Ana, which was entered September 12, 1868 in Book "B", Page 410 of Judgments of the District Court of
<br />the 17th Judicial District, in and for Los Angeles County, California, described as follows:
<br />
<br />Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of First Street and Mc Clay Street, as shown on a Map filed in
<br />Book 47, Page 32 of Record of Surveys, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, California, said point being the
<br />Northwest corner of Section 17, Township 5 South, Range 9 West San Bernardino Base and Meridian;
<br />Thence North 89° 10' 10" East 812.56 feet along the centerline of said First Street to the Northeast corner of land described in
<br />a Deed to Croddy Corporation and others, recorded August 28, 1959 in Book 4860, Page 4 of Official Records;
<br />Thence South 0° 06' 40" East 397.90 feet to the Southeast corner of said land of Croddy Corporation;
<br />Thence South 89° 08' 20" West 812.54 feet along the Southerly line of said land of Croddy Corporation to the centerline of
<br />said Mc Clay Street;
<br />Thence North 0° 06' 48" West 398.34 feet to the point of beginning.
<br />EXHIBIT 3
<br />3-59