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u s <br />SAGECREST <br />planning+environmental <br />Exhibit A - Scope of Work <br />The Planning Department for the City of Santa Ana has requested assistance to prepare a draft <br />and final Billboard Ordinance including community outreach, revenue sharing provisions and <br />assistance with public hearings. In order to fulfill this request, Sagecrest will provide the <br />following services: <br />1. Project Initiation/Meetings: <br />o After receiving the notice to proceed (NTP), the project manager will meet with <br />City staff to discuss the special project, including the City's objectives, project <br />schedule, and communication protocol. <br />o Meet with City staff to review objectives for Billboards Ordinance. <br />2. Research: <br />o Review the City's existing Municipal Code and other planning documents to <br />identify existing policies, procedures and ordinances related to billboards. <br />o Review State law pertaining to billboards and ordinances in other jurisdictions <br />for comparison with the objective of crafting a model ordinance that reflects <br />local conditions while incorporating the best practices of other jurisdictions. _ <br />o Ascertain which existing planning documents need to be amended in order to be <br />consistent with the new ordinance and make recommendations for revisions to <br />existing planning documents. <br />3. Public Outreach: <br />o Gathering input from public stakeholders will be important to the process of <br />drafting the billboard ordinance. <br />o Stakeholders include, but are not limited to, the general public, <br />community/neighborhood groups, billboard companies, and local business, and <br />any public officials as specifically directed by and coordinated with City staff. <br />o Public Outreach will include community meetings, individual outreach to key <br />stakeholders, coordination with billboard companies and other local businesses. <br />o In addition, our planners are able to respond to any questions or comments <br />received from the public regarding the proposed ordinance. <br />o Distill the information gained by this outreach and provide the City with <br />recommendations on how these consultations could influence the content of the <br />proposed ordinance. <br />4. Ordinance: <br />o Based on information gathered in Tasks 1 through 3 above, draft the Billboard <br />ordinance and provide to the City with a screencheck draft for Review, <br />o Upon receipt of comments on the draft ordinance from the City, revise the <br />ordinance accordingly. <br />2400 E. Katella Ave. • Suite 800 • Anaheim, CA 92806 <br />