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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL, <br />PROJECT NO.: 16-2648 SANDPOINTE PASEO SECURITY LIGHTING PROJECT <br />TIME FOR COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES <br />The undersigned bidder hereby proposes to complete the Work for the total base bid amount <br />shown above, within FORTY-FIVE (45) working days after the commencement date stated in <br />the Notice to Proceed. <br />The liquidated damages atnoui t, in lieu of the amount specjfled in Subsection 6-9 of the <br />Standard Specifications, shall be $500 per calendar day, j <br />Name of Firm <br />Signature of BIDDER <br />Title Van Nguyen- President Vice President Seerary Treasurer Manager <br />(If an indMdual, so state. If a firin or eo-partnership, state the firm name and give the nunes of <br />all individual co-partners composing the firm. If a corporation, state legal name of corporation, <br />and names of President, Secretary, Treasurer and Manager, thereof.) <br />P-2 of P-16 <br />