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w <br />Welcome to ChargePolnt Assure. ChargePoint Assure is a full service maintenance and support program designed <br />specifically for ChargaPoint customers. <br />1. WHAT IS COVERED; With ChargePolnt Assure, ChargePoint agrees to do each of the following; <br />a. Ensure that all parts are provided and labor is performed, on-site if necessary, to correct any defect in the <br />materials or workmanship of electric vehicle charging stations purchased from ChargePoint, Inc., or Its <br />representatives ("Charging Stations") In a prompt and professional manner. <br />b. Provide remote, automated monitoring of your Charging Stations. <br />c. Perform triage with respect to any Charging Station that may be defective. <br />d. Coordinate all repairs necessary to have your Charging Station back up and running <br />e. Ensure that you are provided response no later than one business day from the date ChargePoint becomes <br />aware of an Issue. <br />I Begin onsite repairs within one business day from the delivery of any parts required to fix your Charging <br />Station. <br />g. ChargePoint will provide software moves, adds and changes at no additional cost <br />In. ChargaPoint guarantees a 98% annual station uptime with a prorated refund of up to the annual station <br />Assure maintenance fee for outages caused by station hardware or software failures In excess of 2% <br />annually <br />I. ChargePoint wili provide standard monthly summary and quarterly detailed station usage and performance <br />metrics. <br />ChargePoint will coverthe labor portion of non -cosmetic station repairs caused by vandalism, auto accidents <br />or excessive wear and tear. <br />2. WHAT IS NOT COVERED: ChargePoint undertakes no responsibility with respect to repairing, replacing, monitoring <br />or servicing anything other than your Charging Stations. This means, for example, that ChargePoint is not <br />responsible for the physicaf mounting and electrical wiring of your Charging Stations or for the performance of any <br />cellular or WI -Fl repeaters or other devices installed in connection with your Charging Stations, <br />3. CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES; In order to perform Its obligations under ChargePoint Assure, ChargePoint needs <br />your cooperation. Specifically, you agree to; <br />a. Provide reasonable access to ChargePoint or Its designee as necessary for the performance of <br />ChargePoint's obligations. <br />It. Permit ChargePoint to access the Charging Stations remotely by maintaining a separately purchased Cloud <br />Services subscription necessary for remote access. <br />c. Maintain your premises In accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. <br />d. Keep the areas in which Charging Stations are located in a clean, safe and orderly condition, to at least the <br />same standard as you customarily use to maintain the remainder of your premises. <br />a. Promptly notify ChargePoint of any suspected defect with a Charging Station. <br />4. WHO IS ELIGIBLE FOR CHARGEPOINT ASSURE?: ChargePoint Assure Is only available to purchasers of <br />Charging Stations who either: 1) use a ChargePolnt Operations and Maintenance Partner ("O&M Partner") to Install <br />their Charging Stations or 2) successfully complete a site validation as described below. <br />a. ChargePolnt O&M Partner Installation. For Information on how to contact a ChargePoint 0&M Partner, <br />please contact your ChargePoint sales representative or authorized ChargePoint reseller for more details. <br />70-001012-01.3 <br />ChargePolnt, Inc.I 1692 Dell Ave I0arr ll, GA 06006-0901 USA <br />4110.841.4600 or lon.fre9811.9]0.38021 Infa@ahergepainLcom I w armrgepmrld,m <br />Copyright 0 2016 ChargePaM6 Ina -- All rights reserved. <br />CHAaaaPCINT is a U.S. rogislowd tomemarklservlcs mark. All other products or sorseas mentioned are the trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks or regialored sonke, marks <br />Of their railmo11ve, owners. <br />
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