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INSURANCE NOT REQUIRED <br />WORK MAY PHOCEED <br />CLERK OF COUNCIL <br />niTrDEC 0 4 2017 <br />RECORDING REQUESTED BY: <br />City of Santa Ana <br />p � P3 Ali) <br />�i0.rtk-WND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: <br />City of Santa Ana <br />Attn: City Clerk <br />20 Civic Center Plaza (M-30) <br />Santa Ana, CA 92702 <br />A-2017-317 <br />MILLS ACTAGREEMENT <br />2432 North Riverside Drive <br />Santa Ana, CA 92706 <br />Recorded in official Records, Orange County <br />Hugh Nguyen, Clerk -Recorder <br />IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII NO FEE <br />201800000331610:37 am 01104118 <br />276 417 Al2 18 <br />0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 51.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 <br />FREE RECORDING PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE § 27383 CONFORMED COPY <br />Not Comparea witn Original <br />HISTORIC PROPERTY PRESERVATION AGREEMENT <br />This agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the City of Santa <br />Ana, a charter city and municipal corporation duly organized and existing under the Constitution <br />and laws of the of the State of California (hereinafter referred to as "City"), Pamela D. <br />Schneider (hereinafter referred to as "Owner"), owners of real property located at 2432 North <br />Riverside Drive, Santa Ana, California, in the County of Orange and listed on the Santa Ana <br />Register of Historical Properties. <br />RECITALS <br />A. The City Council of the City of Santa Ana is authorized by California <br />Government Code Section 50280 et seq. (known as the "Mills Act") to enter into <br />contracts with Owner of qualified historical properties to provide for appropriate <br />use, maintenance, rehabilitation and restoration such that these historic properties <br />retain their historic character and integrity. <br />B. The Owner possess fee title in and to that certain qualified real property together <br />with associated structures and improvements thereon, located at 2432 North <br />Riverside Drive, Santa Ana, CA, 92706 and more particularly described in <br />"Exhibit A," attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and hereinafter <br />referred to as the "Davis -Schneider". <br />C. The Historic Property is officially designated on the Santa Ana Register of <br />Historical Properties pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 30 of the Santa Ana <br />Municipal Code. <br />D. The City and the property Owner, for their mutual benefit, now desire to enter <br />into this Agreement which defines and limits the use and alteration of this <br />Historic Property in order to enhance and maintain its value as a cultural and <br />historical resource for the Owner and for the community; to prevent inappropriate <br />alterations to the Historic Property and to ensure that repairs, additions, new <br />building, and other changes are appropriate; and to ensure that rehabilitation and <br />maintenance are carred out in an exemplary manner. <br />