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4.0 ONGOING ECONOMIC BENEFITS TO LOCAL ECONOMY <br />4.0 ONGOING ECONOMIC BENEFITS TO LOCAL ECONOMY <br />The proposed project will generate ongoing benefits to the local economy, in addition to the remainder <br />of Orange County, from the following two sources. First, new apartment residents will generate <br />economic impacts in the local economy through expenditures on local goods and services (including at <br />onsite retail). Second, the management and operation of the apartment complex will generate impacts <br />in the local economy. Appendix B provides detailed tables on the assumptions and data inputs for <br />estimating ongoing economic benefits, along with a narrative description, for the IMPLAN model. <br />These economic benefits are expressed in terms of increased economic activity ("output"), value added, <br />job creation, and labor income. See Table 4-1 on page 13 for a summary of the annual economic <br />benefits for the total project. The discussion below in Sections 4.1 and 4.2 summarizes the total ongoing <br />economic benefits from the two sources discussed above. <br />4.1. Industry Output and Value Added <br />The project's direct annual impact, from new resident local spending (including at onsite retail) and <br />management/operation of the apartment complex, to the City economy would include approximately <br />$5.6 million in total economic activity and approximately $3.9 million in value added. In addition to its <br />direct impacts, the indirect/induced impacts of the project would include approximately to $2.6 million <br />in total economic activity and approximately $1.6 million in value added (see page 3 for definitions of <br />"direct", "indirect" and "induced"). Thus, accounting for the full range of economic benefits in the City, <br />on an annual basis the project will generate a grand total of more than $8.2 million in total industry <br />output and approximately $5.5 million in value added. <br />In the remainder of the County, the project is projected to directly generate approximately $242,000 in <br />total economic activity, along with an additional $1.5 million from indirect/induced impacts. This total <br />economic activity would generate approximately $1.1 million in value added in the remainder of the <br />County. <br />4.2. Jobs Created and Employee Compensation <br />The project, from new resident local spending and management/operation of the apartment complex, <br />would directly support approximately 61jobs and a total annual payroll of approximately $1.8 million. In <br />addition to direct impacts, the indirect/induced economic impacts from the project would support <br />approximately 16 jobs and a total annual payroll (including benefits) of approximately $796,000 in the <br />City. Thus, the direct, indirect, and induced economic activity associated with the project would support <br />approximately 77 jobs and a total annual payroll (including benefits) of close to $2.6 million in the City. <br />In the remainder of the County, the project is projected to directly generate approximately 2 jobs, along <br />with an additional 9 jobs from indirect/induced impacts. The payroll and benefits associated with these <br />jobs would total approximately $486,000. <br />THE NATELSON DALE GROUP, INC. Page 12 <br />DRAFT Economic Impact Analysis <br />The Madison (Santa Ana, CA) <br />75A-109 <br />