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massing and ground floor uses that are compatible with the <br />MEMU plan. <br />4. That the land use uses, site design, and operational considerations <br />in the proposed development plan have been planned in a manner <br />that will result in a compatible and harmonious operation as <br />specified in Section 7 of the MEMU overlay district. <br />No significant negative impacts from noise, air quality, <br />aesthetics, or traffic are expected except for temporary <br />impacts arising during construction of the project. The site's <br />design is intended to activate its frontage on Cabrillo Park <br />Drive with the provision of publicly accessible open space, <br />small-scale commercial uses, and a variety of seating and <br />recreational amenities. <br />F. The City Council of the City of Santa Ana determines that the following <br />findings, which must be established in order to grant Variance No. 2017- <br />06 for an increased side yard setback has been established as required by <br />SAMC Section 41-638: <br />1. That because of special circumstances applicable to the subject <br />property, including size, shape, topography, location or <br />surroundings, the strict application of the zoning ordinance is found <br />to deprive the subject property of privileges not otherwise at <br />variance with the intent and purpose' of the provisions of this <br />Chapter. <br />The proposed project is located in an area surrounded by <br />office buildings, parking structures, and a freeway, which <br />restrict the site from compliance with the side yard setback <br />to the south property line. The site necessitates adequate <br />emergency access to the rear of the property to serve the <br />proposed development. In order to properly address life <br />safety issues, the building must be reduced in size to <br />accommodate a larger setback for a fire lane and adequate <br />ladder angles. <br />2. That the granting of the variance is necessary for the preservation <br />and enjoyment of one (1) or more substantial property rights. <br />The granting of the setback variance will preserve the <br />property owner's ability to develop a vacant lot with uses <br />consistent with the MEMU overlay plan and to provide <br />adequate emergency access to serve the residences. The <br />development will revitalize the currently undeveloped parcel <br />and activate the area with additional housing and <br />Resolution No. 2018 -XX <br />Page 3 of 10 <br />75A-129 <br />