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2017-1220_PC Appeal_tvlernol <br />12/20/2017 <br />Page 4 <br />-I- PARTNERS <br />(468 parking stalls) provides 27 parking stalls above the existing entitlement. Resulting in <br />a 6 percent increase over the existing entitlement. <br />Economic hardship would be incurred in providing additional parking and another <br />subterranean level. The economic hardship is detailed below. <br />Economic Necessity For Parking Variance <br />The proposed development of the Madison's 260 units requires a parking ratio of <br />no more than 1.8 parking spaces per unit (a total of 468 parking spaces) to be <br />economically viable. A parking ratio of no more than 1.8, or 468 total spaces is a complete <br />economic necessity for the property to be developed as requested. <br />It is difficult to develop on the property for several reasons, including the property's <br />lack of accessibility to the 5 freeway and being surrounded on two sides by large office <br />buildings. Thus, "Podium Parking" (parking that is directly under the above grade <br />structures as compared to parking that is beside the above grade structures) is <br />necessary. This is an extremely expensive way to park but results in an increased number <br />of units compared to other parking designs, thus increasing City fees and overall <br />economic activity. It is also seen by residents and guests as creating a superior design. <br />Other property owners and third -party developers have thoroughly reviewed <br />alternatives to develop the property and all have concluded that to provide an <br />economically viable apartment community, the parking must be under the building, as <br />opposed to a separate above grade parking structure. <br />Of note, the cost of parking is shown in the marketplace as being a significant <br />deterrent to the development in the area. Specifically, there have been no apartments <br />with Podium Parking in this area. Across the street, the apartment community known as <br />Nineteen 0 1, has separate above grade parking, and importantly, this parking existed at <br />the time the developer, Lyon Communities, purchased the property, so no additional <br />parking cost was necessary for the projects viability. Additionally, the nearby Colton office <br />park, on Cabrillo Park Drive, recently fell out of escrow as the party proposing to purchase <br />the property, Lincoln Property Company, was unable to bankroll a viable apartment <br />community. <br />While there has been talk of other developments in the immediate neighborhood <br />this talk is nothing more than lines on paper as there is no demonstration of a viable <br />apartment community that can be developed in the subject neighborhood with Podium <br />Parking of more than 1.8 per unit and, in fact, there is no development in the subject <br />neighborhood of any apartment development with Podium Parking at any level. <br />75A-77 <br />