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1.0 INTRODUCTION <br />Ongoing; (permanent) impacts <br />o Employment generated by new resident spending, the ground floor retail space, and overall <br />property management of the apartment complex <br />o Direct payroll for new jobs <br />o Indirect/induced (i.e., "multiplier") jobs and payroll <br />o Direct and indirect/induced economic impacts (i.e., dollars spent in local and regional <br />economies) <br />Along with economic impacts, the analysis evaluates the annually -recurring fiscal revenue impacts to the <br />City's General Fund. <br />All projections provided in this report are expressed in 2018 "constant" dollars (i.e., not escalated for <br />future inflation). <br />1.3. Project Description <br />Table 1-1 and Table 1-2, below, provide a summary of the proposed development, including average <br />annual rent per unit and average household income project households and estimated annual retail <br />sales associated with the ground floor retail space. <br />Table 1-1: Summary Project Description (Residential Component) —The Madison <br />Apartment Unit <br />Total <br />rm <br />Annual Rent Per Rent as a Share of <br />Unit Income* <br />$29,892 <br />0.35 <br />Avg. Household <br />Income <br />$85,407 <br />*Average household income estimate assumes monthly rent accounts for 35% of monthly <br />income. The applicant has indicated that they qualify renters at 35% of gross income, but that <br />the average renter will likely fall into the 23%-28% range. Relying on the higher income factor <br />provides for a more conservative analysis, in that it yields a lower average household income <br />estimate. Average household income estimates are used to derive resident spending patterns <br />(see Sections 4.0 and 5.0), with higher household incomes correlating with higher resident <br />spending. <br />Source: Applicant; TNDG <br />Table 1-2: Summary Project Description (Commercial Component) —The Madison <br />Sq. Ft. of Ground Sales per Sq. Ft Estimated Annual <br />Floor Retail Space of Space Sales <br />6,561 <br />Source: Applicant; TNDG <br />$300 $1,968,300 <br />THE NATELSON DALE GROUP, INC. Page 2 <br />DRAFT Economic Impact Analysis <br />The Madison (Santa Ana, CA) <br />75A-99 <br />