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its absence means we will not be able to move forward with the project. It is this loan that we hoped to <br />retire through the sale of housing credits. <br />If housing credits are not available, we are seeking the City's assistance to pay the annual debt service <br />associated with the bridge loan. As noted in the pro formas presented to the City, the debt service on <br />the bridge loan is about $2.6 million per year. As a result, we request that the City provide, on an annual <br />basis, a portion of the in lieu fees collected from developers to help retire this debt. We are mindful that <br />providing $2.6 million per year may leave the City with limited funds to support other affordable <br />housing endeavors. Therefore, we request that the City earmark 70% of total in lieu fees, to a maximum <br />of $1.75 million per year for 40 years, to AMG to'be used to pay the aforementioned debt service. In <br />exchange for this assistance, AMG will income -restrict the units for a period of 55 years. <br />By participating in this manner, the City will realize the development of over 1,000 affordable units to <br />address the needs of lower income families and seniors. Although a bridge loan of $50 million is <br />substantial, when viewed on a per unit basis of approximately $50,000, it is substantially less than the <br />level of assistance provided by the City to other projects. Indeed we estimate this level of assistance is <br />about one-fourth to one-third the level of assistance granted other projects. <br />In the course of various discussions, AMG was asked to respond to the suggestion that there may be <br />other ways to improve project economics, such as reducing the project size, or creating a mixed used <br />project of market rate and income -restricted units. While AMG has explored these options, it is not able <br />to reduce the number of units, as a reduction of units adversely affects the overall financial viability of <br />the project. In addition, because of the complex financing associated with this project, including the 4% <br />tax credits, it is not possible to introduce market rate units or significant non-residential uses, without <br />jeopardizing project financing and the resultant affordable units. <br />In addition to possible project revisions, AMG was also to comment on whether a reduction or waiver of <br />impact fees would be helpful. The short answer is yes. Based on the project as currently proposed, we <br />estimate the project will incur the following fees (expressed in millions): <br />Park: <br />$ 7.2 <br />Traffic/Tra nsportatio n: <br />6.8 <br />Sewer: <br />4.7 <br />Capital: <br />4.5 <br />School: <br />2.2 <br />Fire: <br />1.3 <br />Total <br />$ 26.7 <br />Not included in the above figures is the cost of processing the application through the planning process. <br />Actual and projected costs for the entitlement process are expected to equal about $175,000. <br />To the extent the City is able to reduce or waive any of the above fees, it certainly impacts project <br />economics in a favorable way. <br />60E-34 <br />